
President-in-Training is moving quickly with his mandate

Another Revolutionary War?

Look back into the relatively young history of these United States and you’ll uncover some of the essential elements that lead to the Revolution and eventual breakaway from British tyranny. Old King George was essentially tax happy to the point of oppressing the Colonies. The most grievous of these was perhaps the Stamp Act of 1765 which levied a tax on all kinds of paper used in the Colonies. This lead to the famous phrase ‘no taxation without representation’ as the Colonists formally addressed the issue to the King who responded by adding even more taxes.

After all, the King was sovereign and had his way with the emerging nation. The Tea tax among others stirred the Colonists to openly grumble and oppose the British monarchy. The mercantile policies which forced the colonies to sell Britain their commodities and then buy back finished goods at inflated prices, their loss of the right to self-govern, and their lack of protection under the Magna Carta which as the King explained, “did not apply to them,” brought the Revolutionary pot to a boiling point. And yes, you remember the famous Boston Tea party from your revisionist history books. Fast forward to 2009. The President-in-Training is moving quickly with his mandate (“I won”) to implement a Four Trillion dollar budget. Who will pay for this monstrosity: The American taxpayers and their offspring for generations to come (if they are still able to procreate after being kicked in the groin). But there is more to be concerned about. The oppression the Colonists felt as everything they worked for was snatched up by mother England, is the same gut wrenching nausea that freedom- loving Americans are experiencing as Obama uses the monetary crisis to force feed his socialist agenda without representation from Republicans because that “does not apply to them”. When will Americans wake up to the mandatory community service bill (GIVE) which reads like the Selective Service Act for the liberal agenda? Are Tea Parties enough? Is there any encouragement for those who oppose this tyranny? The answer is “maybe”. Some left leaning news organizations are starting to think out loud about the soundness of Obama’s moves. Statements like “Your plan is radical”, and “Are you punch-drunk?” are flowing out of the same mouths that just a few months ago slobbered all over the Messiah. The GOP is finding its voice again, and a check of the world reaction to this president’s first two months in office is encouraging in that some more seasoned world leaders are aghast at O’s incompetence. It’s not too late to begin the Second Revolutionary War.

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Dave Macy——

Dave Macy (aka: Dave Deppisch) spent 30 years as a conservative talk host on a variety of stations in markets like Atlanta, Nashville, Toledo, and Ft. Wayne. He was drawn out of his profession into the ministry and now serves as an associate pastor. He preaches several times a year and is also available to bring his unique style of common sense conservative talk along with his faith in Jesus Christ to any setting that is looking for a speaker with humor, common sense, and Christian values.

He is the author of DoubtFreeLiving.com,and has been privileged to speak at CBN and appear as a guest on World Harvest TV.
