
Jerry A. Kane

Jerry A. Kane is a retired English professor who has also worked as a journalist and technical writer. His writings have been featured at Canada Free Press and some have appeared at WorldNetDaily, American Thinker, and in daily and weekly newspapers across the country. His commentaries, news stories, and musings appear regularly on his blog, The Millstone Diaries.

Most Recent Articles by Jerry A. Kane:

Chicago Cops Propose to Discard Entrance Exam to Increase Minority Hires

City Hall sources say that the Chicago Police Department wants to dump its entrance exam because it would boost the hiring of minorities and save money on test preparation and lawsuits filed against the exam process. If the application-only process is implemented, Chicago would become the only major US city that would not have police entrance exams.
- Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Kodak Moment for the UK

A criminal case involving a former soldier who found a shotgun in his yard and dutifully turned it over to the police proves that prosecutors and judges in the United Kingdom cannot administer justice or thoughtful discretion in the courts because they have succumbed to political correctness and the gun-control ideology embedded in UK law.
- Saturday, November 21, 2009

America’s Fascist Obamanation

Once again, a police officer disregards the First Amendment and shows contempt and distain for the constitutional rights of an American citizen.
- Monday, November 9, 2009

Reagan Conservatives Win a Skirmish in the Battle for the GOP

New York's 23rd district has become symbolic of the struggle within the Republican Party between Reagan conservatives and the left-leaning RINO establishment. The special election to fill Congressman John McHugh's seat is the only open congressional seat in this off-year election.
- Sunday, November 1, 2009

The 23rd Congressional District is “the Big One”

Leftist progressive Republicans might not raise the eyebrow of your average Snowe-blind Maineiac, but the thought of adding anotherDIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only) statist-minded representative to Washington has GOP conservatives and libertarians apoplectic.
- Friday, October 23, 2009

Common Sense Is Wholly Uncommon for School District

A Delaware first grader fails to consider the serious consequences of his innocent action and has been suspended by school administrators. He now faces 45 days in the district's reform school having been found guilty of violating the school's zero-tolerance weapons policy by a disciplinary committee.
- Monday, October 12, 2009

Such a Petty, Mean-Spirited Lawsuit

imageBend your ears boys and girls for another of Baron von Münch-Kane's once-spun yarns and twice-told tales. "Krebs went to the war from a Methodist college in Kansas," and now the highest court in the land has taken up the case of an 8-foot white cross atop Sunrise Rock memorializing U.S. soldiers who fought in that war.
- Friday, October 9, 2009

Cry Wolf! A Clarion Call to Separate Church and State

Gamaliel is actually a more dangerous group than its corrupt cousin ACORN for it actually embodies the dreaded union of church and state, and, if left unchecked, will emasculate individual liberty in the name of God and sacred community and will sacrifice religious freedom on the advocacy altar of social justice and the greater good.
- Friday, October 2, 2009

The Shot or the Pink Slip: A Hobson’s Choice

Health care workers must be immunized against H1N1 by November 30 or lose their jobs, said New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Richard Daines. Health Department officials approved the regulation in August, making New York the only state in the country to mandate seasonal and swine flu immunizations for all health care providers, including doctors.
- Tuesday, September 29, 2009
