
The Muslim invasion of Europe is overwhelming host countries. And not just by sheer numbers, but by demands made by newcomers

Canada's future population

Canada is the second largest country on planet earth . . . and one of the least populated. Density, the number of people per square kilometer, is 3.63, making it 230th out of 244 jurisdictions worldwide. It has long had a policy to increase its meager population. Since WWII, the government paid a "baby bonus" to women to birth children. I had no employer but contributed to the family income as a child. For decades immigration policies have attempted to bring in large numbers of peoples from foreign lands. The current official stated immigration goal is 285,000 people annually. The government believes it can assimilate that many people, even during a difficult economic climate. Not an easy thing to do. In Canada, like the US, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. Officially, the current unemployment rate is 7.1% (2 full points higher than US) . . . but people who have stopped looking for work are not counted in that statistic so the real number is somewhat higher. BTW, the government will never tell you the real number.
Assuming the immigration goal is achieved annually, the source of such people becomes critical to the future well-being of the country's existing populace. Those supporting PM Justin Trudeau's policy to bring in hundreds of thousands of escapees from the middle east and north Africa try hard to reassure skeptics as to the efficacy of the policy. They smugly affirm that Canada was built on immigration and became one of the most admired nations on earth. And that is true. But it is not the whole story. Immigrants from countries with laws and cultures similar to Canada were easily assimilated because the relocated people were accustomed to the values encountered in their new country. Further, previous Canadian governments arranged it so newcomers were scattered across vast miles of the country and not allowed to congregate in ethnic groups. That was smart. Let's not beat around the bush . . . we are talking about non-Muslims. Up 'til now. But the situation is changing due to the serious dislocations taking place on the other side of the Atlantic. Trudeau's plan to bring in Muslims to live among non-Muslims is dangerous. And it is already underway with recent arrivals from troubled areas of the globe being personally greeted by a fawning PM.

The Muslim invasion of Europe is overwhelming host countries. And not just by sheer numbers, but by demands made by newcomers to bring their culture and laws with them. If denied such permission, they will make their hosts' lives miserable. Come to think of it, granted such permission their hosts' lives will still be made miserable. There is no escaping it. There will be places formerly open for public enjoyment that will not be seen again by any non-Muslim. You just won't go there any more. Even the police will not enter Muslim enclaves. But the news media will be filled with stories emanating from those quarters. And it won't be good. Is the forgoing inevitable? Probably. Political "progressives" who see themselves as peoples of the world rather than representatives of the folks who elected them to positions of power, are bound and determined to have it their way. Like the imported Muslims they will not be denied or deterred. Thousands of wealthy Europeans are abandoning their home countries out of fear for the future. A truly enlightened government committed to serving Canada's existing population would see the handwriting on the European wall and actively proselytize non-Muslims who would contribute to Canada's economic well-being and not be a drain on an already strained budget. Those are the people that should be brought to Canada and many are ripe for picking. Canada should get them . . . they would fit in quite nicely.

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Bob Christie——

Bob was born in Toronto and began his financial career as a trader on the Toronto Stock Exchange. He relocated to California and became SVP and CFO of a $multi-billion diversified financial entity. He served on the board of many companies in Canada and US. An avid yachtsman, he owns a twin diesel ocean going vessel once featured in Architectural Digest magazine. He maintains a hockey web site. “slapshotreport.com” and currently resides in Sausalito, California.
