
May God bless us, may God bless America, and may God lead Donald Trump in his quest for…”A New America.” Oh…and Happy New Year to all

The Aftermath of the Election

If you, like I, have been trying to keep abreast of the so-called presidential transition, you must have noticed that just about every other headline or front-page news, bar none, has something to do with the democrats’ incessant war to disavow the election of Donald Trump on November 8th, as our next president. I think I have heard and seen it all. Immediately following the elections, the nation was stunned when for three days in a row we watched as anti-Trump protesters went wild all over the nation, turning violent, rioting, vandalizing businesses, and disrupting traffic in thruways in major cities throughout the nation – all as their sign of protest for Mr. Trump’s landslide, undeniable victory of the elections.

The anarchy displayed by the anti-Trump mob

The anarchy displayed by the anti-Trump mob was followed with a ridiculous attempt by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, on a futile fundraising campaign pushing for a vote-recount in the States of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan. As we all know, however, Stein’s attempt for a recount was no sooner started than it ended as her wishes were quashed when Federal Judge Paul S. Diamond dismissed Stein’s request in the State of Pennsylvania, as he found: “suspicion of a ‘hacked’ Pennsylvania election bordering on the irrational”. All that Stein’s muffled recount attempt would do for the cause was to simply reassert the fact that left-wing brethren’s alternatives were all but dwindling, as their ongoing denial was swiftly running out of any genuine reasons that would or could legitimize their hindrances in reconciling the hard-core truth that, the unimaginable, the inconceivable, the unbelievable, the unthinkable, had, in fact, become an undisputable and absolute truth – Donald Trump would be the 45th president of the United States of America after handily beating flawed democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The sore-loser syndrome affecting most die-hard left-wing socialists would soon make them all start a frantic search for many nonsensical, preposterous alibis, most of them, bordering on the “irrational”, just like the above-referenced judge Diamond, found Jill Stein’s failed recount attempt. Among some of the latest recanting themes, there was a far-fetched effort, supported by a cast of Hollywood celebrities, led by Martin Sheen, urging for a revolt in the electoral vote ratification scheduled for Monday December 19th, while College Voters across the nation were grossly intimidated to change their vested party-line affiliations, hoping that 37 of them would make [the] switch, lowering Trump’s 306 winning votes to give Hillary the 270 needed to win the elections.

Insidious electoral vote revolt

The chances for the insidious electoral vote revolt to succeed were nothing short of impervious, hence, forcing the losers to embark on a last-ditch effort to try and make some sense of it all, albeit anything and everything but accepting reality. As each alibi caressed the absurd, the candidate herself, Hillary Clinton, came out of a temporary post-election seclusion if only to make yet an outlandish claim in a speech made in Washington D.C., on December 8th, where she publicly held Russia and Vladimir Putin responsible for her demise, claiming that Putin, “had a beef against her”. In that same speech, Clinton also took time to blame F.B.I. director James B. Comey for his release of a letter, shortly before the election, which disclosed new questions about Clinton’s handling of emails in her private server. Clinton's desperate search for answers, claimed that: “…in the final days, Swing-state voters, broke against her because of Director Comey’s letter,” she claimed. I personally believe there are several hard-core lessons to be learned from all that has transpired in the aftermath of the November 8th elections. First and foremost, I believe that the democrats’ collective denial is an epic telltale sign of what was in store for us, had this woman Hillary Clinton being elected as our next president. The point I am trying to make is that Clinton and her universe of far-left, liberal-democrats do not, by any stretch of the imagination, represent the traditional Democratic Party, one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States– a party that traces its heritage back to Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded around 1828 by Andrew Jackson with a dominant worldview which was once construed to be ‘classical-liberalism’. Instead, as we now know it, the Democratic Party of the twenty-first century, was swiftly transformed to promoting a Marxist doctrine cloaked under a social-liberal platform -the closest we have ever come to becoming a full-blown communist nation, as much however as the term [communism] takes-on all kinds of accommodating pseudonyms not to pose as a threat to the more naïve amongst us. There are, if you will, a garden-variety of pennames that range from far-left, to left-wingers, to radical liberals, to liberal democrats, on and on, all of which, are expediently used as a smokescreen of the real thing.

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Obama, an out-and-out Marxist, epitomized a presumed takeover on our way to a New Republic

The election in 2008, followed by his re-election in 2012 of Barack Hussein Obama, an out-and-out Marxist, epitomized a presumed takeover on our way to a New Republic - one led by a militant militia of social-radicals and ideologues, who truly thought in their heart of hearts, they would perpetuate themselves in power, via democratically-sanctioned elections with their newly elected presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, sure to be the next president of the United States of America, or so they thought. They, the ‘Party’, or shall we say the silent socialist revolution, just took for granted they would win the 2016 elections, regardless. After all, the nation’s liberal mainstream media would make sure Clinton would take it all. It was a sure bet as far as they were concerned, was it not? But boy, were they ever misguided. The one shortfall, I guess, they all seem to have forgotten or overlooked was the simple fact that the American people were not as stupid as they made them out to be. When crunch-time came around, Americans did what Americans always do, which is place their love for country above everything else. With a bitter taste still in their mouths of a disgraceful Marxist regime and with an enlightened outlook of a highly flawed, crooked politician, whose trail of lies and criminal offenses would be enough to put most laymen in the nation away for life, Americans, after eight years of masked communism, did finally awake to give the nation and the world a mandate for change, to wit, the end of the failed attempt to communize us. Americans had it. Their landslide election of a non-establishment, outspoken, self-made billionaire, centered exclusively and simply on a platform that sold to the American people a return to the ‘Old Republic’– a simple return to the values on which our nation was forged. Ironically it was that simple. And, they, the losers, just did not want to see it and / or simply could not fess-up to the fact that their castle-in-the-air had crumbled for good. Well, for one, they can all blame Obama for eight years of ruling the nation as do autocrats in third-world banana republics around the globe. Second, they can blame their own candidate Hillary Clinton just for being who she is and what she is – an outcast, an outlaw at heart. Historically, throughout the ages, communism has drawn its strength from the militancy of its constituents. From the failed, the envious, the resentful, hence their willingness to create havoc, chaos and mayhem as their only means of endeavoring to remain in control, thus the abounding activist denial wave which we now find in the aftermath of this election. The type of militancy which would have, undoubtedly led us to a Civil War had Clinton been elected president, which by the way, I am not altogether so sure it will not take place sometime in the future, unless our President-elect lives-up to the commitments he has made in his presidential campaign, which I am confident he will. In summary, Americans, expected in the old-fashioned-way, that losers would simply accept their defeat and abide by the laws of the nation which righteously elected Donald Trump as their next president, but they did not. They did not only because we are not really dealing here with old-fashioned-values. Instead, we are dealing with a well-organized Marxist territorial army who just cannot accept the fact that the noble nation of America, will never ever cave-in to anything that smells like communism regardless of what aliases are chosen to camouflage this, the most heinous form of government known to mankind – there, if you will, the true nature behind the losers’ denial. At first, I thought to do what righteous people do with their opponents upon defeating the enemy, that is to be gracious and act civil as part of a courtship aimed at healing the wounds of divide and separatism that have prevailed amongst Americans, a spinoff of Barack Obama’s ignoble intent for a change which almost led Americans to an abyss of no return. In lieu of all that I have seen, the relentless crusade to recant, deny, and reject our President elect; in lieu of your continued wishes to further your Marxist agenda, I have changed my mind and decided to forsake the inherent righteousness of victors over losers, by giving you a taste of your own medicine and wish you all rot in your misery as I rejoice myself in your desolation and gloom. To all who pledged to leave the United States if Donald Trump was elected president, please do so. Be true to your beliefs, just make sure you don’t come back, you scumbags. To be sure, 62,904,682 Americans wanted to end the worse presidency in the history of the nation. All of us in this universe, endured eight years of disappointments, frustrations and failures. Your outgoing president and your Party’s reign leaves us a legacy marred by debt, scandals, international and foreign policy failures. Notwithstanding the built-up anger, par for what was taking place during your Party’s time in office, and, unlike you all, we dealt with it all, with civility, using the polling booths on November 8th, as our place to get even – the way it is done in democracies and Constitutional Republics, such as is our great nation. In closing, I have to refer to the uncongenial first lady, Michelle Obama, the same Michelle Obama who back in 2008, as Barack Obama, her husband and newly elected president, said: “For the first time in her adult life, she was really proud of her country, only because it felt like hope was finally making a comeback.” Michelle, once again, exits her reign, with thoughts about Americans ‘hope’, whereby in an excerpt of her final White House interview conducted by Oprah Winfrey, she suggests that the election of President-elect Donald Trump signified a loss of hope for the United States. I shall like to close today, answering to Michelle Obama’s presumptuous allegation regarding the ‘hope’ of Americans. Let me just say, dear Mrs. Obama and dear diehard losers, ‘hope’ was lost the day your suspected scoundrel hybrid Marxist-Muslim husband, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected president of the United States of America, back in 2008, and ‘hope’ was once again re-gained on November 8th, 2016 when we kicked your behind and Clinton’s out of the White House, for at least the next four years. Time for you all to accept your defeat and do as we did, wait for the polls to open again instead of waging a fruitless war governed by your unmitigated denial. May God bless us, may God bless America, and may God lead Donald Trump in his quest for…”A New America.” Oh…and Happy New Year to all


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Obie Usategui——

Obie Usategui (The Patriot Obsever) and also runs AFCV-Americans For Conservative Values.  Obie is also the author of The Beginning of the End—“The transition to Communism in our own United states has come peacefully, ironically, via democratically-sanctioned elections”
