
Say “Merry Christmas” all you want, there is no need to give Santa Claus any credit. You worked hard to pay for those gifts, and against all the obstacles the socialist state levied agaist you

Santa Claus: Not Just His Suit is Red

By Dr. Alexander Nussbaum ——--December 31, 2015

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Another season has passed in which Santa Claus promised big but actually delivered nothing. It is thus obvious that he is a progressive socialist. Imagine my surprise then in reading an online article entitled “5 Signs That Santa Claus Is Actually a Puppet for the 1%”. Clear slander of Santa Claus, beyond all doubt a beacon of progressive liberalism. Let me state the case.

Reindeer Can Fly and Man Made Global Warming is Our Greatest Threat

Santa Claus claims to get around, to every house in the world in one night, no less, using flying reindeer. Do you believe that bit of science? But in the progressive doctrine an external reality does not exist, the sole test for ideas is whether they promote the correct agenda. Known among other terms as “critical structuralism” this is the dominant research view in the social sciences and ever more encroaches on the hard sciences. Thus, for example, according to UN agencies Maimonides was a Muslim and the western wall and Jerusalem and indeed nothing in pre-20th century Israel has anything to do with Judaism. See, Santa’s sled really does fly using reindeer. Both conservatives and liberals distort science to fit belief, as an aspect of human cognitive functioning is the modifying of information for motivational reasons. This in fact illustrates the value and uniqueness of science, it demands objective available to all evidence, it’s rule is “show me the data”. But this means the acceptance of an objective external reality which the scientific method does an ever better job at uncovering. This notion constitutes crime-thought and paternalistic cultural imperialism to progressives. Leftists deny that the left wing distorts science, or that if it does to an extant, its distortions are far smaller and less dangerous than right wing distortions, but in fact just the opposite is true. Left wing distortions are far greater in scope and more dangerous than right wing distortions. More dangerous for two reasons; one reason we just covered, they deny an objective external reality; the other reason is their influence on universities where scientific research is actually done.

The greatest and really sole right wing distortion of science is the war on evolution. But this war has zero effect on the science being done in universities. On the other hand left wing distortions like man made climate change and the belief that, unique in nature, the human mind shows no characteristics and limitations due to its evolution (a belief called rightly “cognitive creationism” even by some in the liberal camp) inform, color, and limit scientific research. The wide range of left wing distortions of science is awesome to behold. Chi, Chakras, Auras, past life regression, plant consciousness, mediums, holistic mumbo-jumbo, homeopathy, “Kabbalah”, magic crystals, psychics, shamans, intuitives, there is nothing new age can concoct that progressives will not champion, just as long as it contradicts the “western science hegemony”. And new age is just regurgitated medieval nonsense. Even worse, progressives have a special hatred for “Big Pharma”, GMOs, and vaccines, all life savers and all ranked together with Zionists and Republicans in the progressive pantheon of villainy. Yet they think that does not make them anti-science! In an interview with the Humanist “Is There Such a Thing As an Anti-Science Left? An Interview with Eugenie Scott” the former director of the National Center for Science Education denied that there was an anti-science left saying “I think there’s a lot of confusion about the so-called anti-scientific left. I don’t really see one…Big Pharma has done some really nasty things in the past.” Concern over vaccinations was, in her words, “they are rational fears….It’s really a matter of love for your kid” and about GMOs she stated “I’m a lefty, and I think we should be very careful about genetically modified organisms”. Eugenie Scott has written some good things in the past but this is as ludicrous as … well believing in Santa Claus. Santa Claus is as much a conman and anti-science as the quack who gives cancer victims the progressive belief that they can be healed with the power of their mind and fruit juices. “Big Pharma’ has turned HIV from a death sentence to a manageable disease. In a lecture at the City University of New York Graduate Center, researchers noted that mathematics using HIV’s rate of evolution demonstrated that at least three drugs had to be combined in a cocktail to contain HIV. The Official graduate student paper given out in the lobby -- militantly Marxist, of course -- had stories like “Raising the Flag of Palestine”. There will be no need for “Big Pharma” and HIV cocktails in Palestine where gays will be thrown off roofs, beheaded and dragged behind motorcycles. I would not advise Santa Claus to show up in Palestine either. Yes, a sled with reindeer. And denial of science is not central to the left.

A Big Carbon Imprint

We have established that Santa Claus does not really use flying reindeer. So how does he get around? A private Learjet no doubt, just like any other billionaire global warming activist or public official. Recently a swarm of Learjets carrying high living crusaders enjoying the good life made their way to Paris. The “Eat drink and be merry and let them eat cake” crowd partied, but the little people must make sacrifices for “Gaia” and the global collective. According to Breitbart, in January 2015, 1700 private jets landed in Switzerland for an economic forum discussing global warming. Carbon billionaire Al Gore was there of course. And that red and white 30 million dollar Challenger 850, the one with the reindeer insignia, that landed into the Swiss military base opened to the flood of private planes… could it have been?

Something for Nothing

Santa Claus promises to give gifts for free. The idea that an authority can provide things for “free” is the liberal/progressive/socialist lie to a “T”. Conservatives know that nothing is free. Conservatives know that “What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.” This quote is generally attributed to the Rev. Adrian Rogers. Although you can find progressives disparaging it, the quote is self evidently true. It is so obvious, in fact, that I have no doubt people have been saying something similar since the birth of civilization. Only capitalism creates objects of value, socialism steals from some to give to others, with most of the goods ending up with the thieves. Conservatives only promise the freedom to succeed or fail, only offer an opportunity, a chance away from the quotas, dictatorial control and identity politics central to the liberal dogma. And that is the only chance civilization has. “Free” is part of the progressive mantra chant. I once read an article that advocated the switch over from fossil fuels to water and wind power because they are “free”. Yes, wind power is free, except for the cost of building the turbines, the land used for it, the estimate a few years ago that 300,00 birds a year are slaughtered by the then very limited use of turbines, and the cognitive and mental impairment turbines have been proven to cause. Yes, like Santa’s gifts, wind power is free. Someone sitting under a tree waiting for an all powerful authority to provide is a welfare recipient. But welfare recipients are the product of a mixed free market -socialist state like the United States is now. The open goal of progressives is to eliminate all free market “exploiters of the masses”. As put by Margaret Thatcher: “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” At that point you get the slave labor economies of North Korea, Cuba, China. The fantasy promise of “something for nothing” ends up as the reality of slavery.

Promise Big, Deliver Nothing

Santa Claus came up with the premise behind ObamaCare. The number one reason why Santa Claus is clearly a progressive Democrat is that while he promises everything under the sky, he actually delivers nothing! He never gave a kid a candy bar, much less a pony! Any gift a child got someone else had to give. But that does stop him from taking credit? Empty unrealistic promises and bragging about non-existent achievements ! You can not get more progressive Democrat than that.


Progressives find everything else about Christmas, even wishing a “Merry Christmas” offensive. Yet Santa Claus as a symbol does not arouse the P.C. Gestapo’s inquisition. They must know something about the big guy in red. In red! Can that be a clue to his politics? So in summary you have a right to say “Merry Christmas” all you want, and there is no need to give Santa Claus any credit. You worked hard to pay for those gifts, (even the ones your kids already broke) and against all the obstacles the socialist state levied against you.

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Dr. Alexander Nussbaum——

Dr. Alexander Nussbaum has had articles in a number of magazines including articles on intelligent design and on the history of statistics and is a contributor to a personality textbook
