
Discussion on new Mars science results from Curiosity Rover

Restaurant Offers Maori Language Lessons Travel New Zealand | June 7, 2018
The restaurant features a menu in both English and Maori and table talkers with basic Maori words to encourage diners to speak Maori to each other while they wait for food

Jackson’s New WWI Trench Experience Travel New Zealand | June 7, 2018
Experience the bleak and dangerous conditions soldiers endured during the Gallipoli campaign

WATCH: Why seashells are tougher than chalk American Chemical Society | June 7, 2018

NY billionaire George Soros spending big on California DA races

Trump, Sessions 'inaccurate' in claiming immigrants commit more crimes

The Southern Poverty Law Center helps Facebook, Amazon, Google and Twitter determine what organizations are “hate groups”

Supermarket chain suspended political giving but hasn't bowed to cash demand

The reality of a Free World depends upon clear-minded people who love freedom so much that they would be willing to sacrifice their own lives for such Liberty, and that is why the very real sacrifices made on D-Day should always be remembered

Islamic Anti-Semitism is Islamic Imperialism Daniel Greenfield | June 7, 2018
Hating Jews, attacking them and even killing them, remains a meaningful part of Islamic identity

Rescinding $15 billion of that waste is just the beginning of any return to fiscal responsibility, but at least it’s something

“If I go down I’m taking everyone with me.”

Iran Nuclear Deal

Of course and of course. This is one of the biggest sucker’s bets I’ve ever seen

A Conspiracy Theory About a Conspiracy Daniel Greenfield | June 6, 2018
But the conspiracy to spread the conspiracy theory is real. And its roots have been tracked back through the media, the government and back to the Clinton campaign

Spy Busted Buying U.S. War Plans On China News on the Net | June 6, 2018
Chinese intelligence placed an order for U.S. Military war plans like they were takeout Chow Mein.

Giuliani warns of Mueller 'doing a Comey'

The appearance came hours after President Donald Trump tweeted criticism of the "unfair" and "vicious" media coverage of his wife

Everyone is wondering what Awan is trading in exchange for possible leniency

Vulnerable portion of the Mexican border region

Parents, only YOU can set your children free from classroom indoctrination

Are two cancer immunotherapy drugs better than one? American Chemical Society | June 6, 2018
The difficult search for the right recipe in cancer immunotherapy
