
Something to Hide Bob Lunsford | May 22, 2018
Saul Alinsky was a hero to the Left and Democrat leaders

If Democrats take the House, it won’t matter if they don’t take anything else. They will subpoena everything they can think of on every “matter” they can possibly conceive of, and then they’ll think of new matters and hold hearings on those

Brace Yourselves Fredy Lowe | May 22, 2018
Buckle Up! Now comes the pain!

Sorry, lefties. We may appreciate your newfound honesty, but the public isn’t interested

California Republican Exposes Cultural Deviancy Douglas V. Gibbs | May 22, 2018
Transgenderism is a mental health issue, not a civil rights issue, and the sooner we begin to recognize that, the sooner we can do what we can to stop the growing assault against our civilization by cultural Marxism

Teen arrested in connection to murder of Baltimore cop

If all they can do is blame innocent citizens while diverting attention from murderous monsters, then it is time to ask these people just whose side they are on.”

I just peed my pants

Thanks to Obama’s Dirty Works Department people no longer trust the FBI and other intelligence agencies

Public education is now confusing children as to which bathrooms they should use, and what sex they are

Ouch. This is the party that has ALL the enthusiasm on its side? You could have fooled me

In short, they’ve realized that they made their own bed – and they’re desperately searching for a way to avoid lying in it

These PLO lies should have been shredded decades ago. They have proved to be the greatest obstacle to peace between Israel and the PLO

Tom Fitton: Obama Justice Department told FBI to Stand Down on Clinton

Gunmen were driving in three vehicles and were armed with rifles and handguns

Who are they trying to protect?

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Yeeeeeahhhhhhh. Congratulations Dems. That should solve all your problems

LIBERTY VS LIBERALISM Mark Andrew Dwyer | May 21, 2018
How many innocent children must die before the "Liberalism" is forever banned?

Trek to Machu Picchu Travel Bucket List | May 21, 2018
“Hiking the Inca Trail is a loud, beautiful reminder of the power of past centuries and the roots of our history which remain alive to this day. “

SPIES LIKE OBAMA? Matthew Vadum | May 21, 2018
The treachery of “Crossfire Hurricane” comes into the light
