
Corbyn is a Dangerous Anti-Semite Barry Shaw | April 8, 2018
Jeremy Corbyn is not a fool, but he is dangerous. His brand of anti-Semitism is sinister and toxic.

Herb of the Year: Hops Wes Porter | April 8, 2018

In fact, it was one of the wisest electoral decisions of all-time for the 63 million Americans who voted for Donald Trump actually saved America

Easter Island myths and realities Dennis Avery | April 7, 2018
The island’s demise was a human and Little Ice Age tragedy, not “ecological suicide”

The Wanton Worship of Woody Weeds Viv Forbes | April 7, 2018
Instead of tree clearing bans we need to free our land managers for a war on woody weeds using controlled burning, better grazing management and reversal of the unjust Kyoto land sterilisation program

Taxpayers applaud Kinew’s carbon tax delay to save Manitobans money Canadian Taxpayers Federation | April 7, 2018
"Wab is right: Pallister's carbon tax will cost people a lot of money, but it won't help the environment."

This year, the Ontario government ran a $6.7 billion deficit

Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight”

Puffin beaks are fluorescent and we had no idea News on the Net | April 7, 2018
Scientists have even made special sunglasses for puffins so they can check out the phenomenon in the wild

Conservationists, union outraged as regulator takes bids for Northeast Newfoundland Slope

German police: Driver that crashed into crowd killed himself

Parents Say No Graphic Curriculum Liberty Counsel | April 7, 2018
Graphic pornographic nature of current sex education resources

To Secede or Not to Secede Ray DiLorenzo | April 7, 2018
Does California or any other state have the right to secede? Is the Calexit movement even legal? The Constitution is largely silent on the question. As it turns out, the issue of the right of secession is at worst, a head scratcher and at best, a pro

Rain is a Four-Letter Word Wes Porter | April 7, 2018

Yet Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray sure don’t seem to want us to. Keep pushing, Congressman Nunes

A Hope in Hell? Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser | April 6, 2018
Let's hope that nothing as devastating as smallpox comes along in nature's constantly evolving arsenal

People Being Dumb

The Military Can Secure the Border and Build the Wall Daniel Greenfield | April 6, 2018
Our soldiers have been deployed to defend many countries. Now it’s time for them to defend our own

Democrats Want To Decide What Is Real or Fake News

“Trump-affiliated” Cambridge Analytics as the new Russia, presented by trained seal Mark Zuckerberg is coming to a television near you on Tuesday. Waiting breathlessly from the sidelines: Hillary Rodham Clinton

The feds have seized classifieds website Backpage News on the Net | April 6, 2018
Facilitated sex trafficking and prostitution

Social media users treated as 'experimental rats,' EU data watchdog says as he urges more changes from Facebook
