
But in yesterday's arguments, Justice Gorsuch said nothing to give any hints as to where he stands

They didn't rule against his executive action. They merely decided to let the case take the usual legal course

Students at several schools protest gun violence in wake of Florida school shooting

Is Gun Control the Answer? Chuck Lehmann | February 27, 2018
Better parenting, better mental health care interventions, better enforcement of existing laws, the reduction of the number of “gun-free zones”, and the coordination of pertinent information between local, state,and federal authorities

State of the Polar Bear Report 2017

How Environmentalists Keep Heating Bills High News on the Net | February 27, 2018

Our next energy and security crisis? Paul Driessen | February 27, 2018
Importing 65% of US oil in 2005 vs 100% of many key minerals now (from China and Russia)

"Just don't criticize us! We'll do whatever you want!"

The buck stops anywhere but here

Let's hope the clean-up of these individuals--who have treated us and our country despicably--comes soon for the 'leaders' of our alphabet 'investigative' and 'security' organizations

Brags about his "amazing leadership!"

The Democrats’ Deeply Dishonest Memo Matthew Vadum | February 26, 2018
The report was released as Congressman Devin Nunes said a secret surveillance court’s days may be numbered.

Is Deputy Scot Peterson getting a bum rap? Dan Calabrese | February 26, 2018
He's come out with his side of the story, and it's worth a look

Crusade aligned with the current secular religions that includes a ban on guns, global warming, anti-white supremacy, pro-abortion rights, the college campus assault on free hate speech, the no-gender religion, and, of course, Resist Trump

Could that be, Ms. Lewinsky because you were expecting an apology from the wrong man?

Philippians 1:6.

We will not rest until Schneiderman's attempt to subvert the First Amendment is defeated

US Embassy in Jerusalem enhances US Interest Yoram Ettinger | February 26, 2018
Moreover, it challenges the political correctness of the UN, the Department of State and the “elite” media, which have been serial blunderers on Middle East issues

The issue was not the legitimacy of the investigation itself. It was the use of illegitimate information to justify a wiretap warrant against a political enemy

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Why Don’t They Read History to Save Lives? W. Gifford-Jones, MD and Diana Gifford-Jones | February 26, 2018
That your life may be dependent on a healthy immune system to survive influenza

Netanyahu and the Left’s Israeli Deep State Daniel Greenfield | February 26, 2018
Labor failed to stop Netanyahu at the voting booth despite Obama’s experts working for them. And Obama isn’t around to restrain Netanyahu. A deep state coup against democracy is its last option

Where is Fulton Sheen’s Sainthood? Jim ONeill | February 26, 2018
God's will be done

Rabid Running Dogs Michael Oberndorf, RPA | February 25, 2018
It’s only a matter of time, it seems, before it happens again. Only this time, it may be the spark that sets the nation on fire

Thinking About Billy Graham and My Dad Lloyd Marcus | February 25, 2018
"Daddy, what do you want on your tombstone?" Billy Graham replied, "Preacher." I am confident my Dad wants to be remembered with that same word. Preacher
