
Robert Laurie

Robert Laurie’s column is distributed by HermanCain.com, which can be found at HermanCain.com Be sure to "like" Robert Laurie over on Facebook and follow him on Twitter. You'll be glad you did.

Most Recent Articles by Robert Laurie:

MSNBC: 'studies show' you're more likely to be abducted by a UFO than witness voter fraud

Yesterday, MSNBC host Joy Reid had lots of fun "discussing" voter fraud and voter ID laws with her guests. As it always does on the world's worst "news" network, the panel devolved into MSNBC's standard "grill the conservative" idiocy, focused on nonsensical race-baiting arguments. "Minorities will be disenfranchised because they're either too stupid or too poor to get passports and photo ID." You know, the usual left-wing line.
- Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Former NYT election data guru Nate Silver has bad news for Democrats' midterm dreams

Hey, remember Nate Silver? He was the statistician/political fortune teller who caused a firestorm by saying that Mitt Romney was going to get slaughtered at the polls back in 2012. Republicans called him a hack, doubted his numbers, and - when Silver correctly predicted the race in all 50 states + DC - they ended up eating their words.
- Monday, March 24, 2014

Biden: People are dumb, and Obama deserves sainthood for the patience he's shown with the ACA rollout

Normally, they like to keep Joe Biden locked up. This is a good instinct, because when he gets out in front of the cameras, he starts saying the kinds of things he's been saying over the course of the last two weeks. Still, every now and then, they have no choice but to let Crazy Joe off his chain so he can run around the yard a bit. Friday, they let him speak before the National Association of Community Health Centers policy summit in Washington, D.C.
- Monday, March 24, 2014

Pelosi: You peons should stop calling it ObamaCare. It's 'affordable'

The word "ObamaCare" has been through a lot of ups and downs. Sometimes, when they need to put their best foot forward, Democrats will tell you how proud they are of the term. Then, the next day, when things don't go so well, they tell you "ObamaCare" is racist. This is usually followed by the "ObamaCare is awesome and, when everyone likes it, conservatives are going to be sorry for calling it ObamaCare" argument.
- Friday, March 21, 2014

CNN: Democrats hammering the 2014 'panic button'

Look, if you ask me, this is completely premature. Yes the Dems are in trouble for 2014, and yes, ObamaCare is a complete disaster that should sink their midterm hopes. However, we're still more than seven months away from Election Day. Virtually anything could happen between now and then. Meanwhile, conservatives are saddled with a party that has repeatedly proven that one should never discount the GOP's ability to throw away a sure thing.
- Monday, March 17, 2014

Jay Carney plugs his wife's book during press briefing - 'it's available on Amazon!'

Yesterday, during a press briefing, Jay Carney was asked about the political motivations of President Obama's crusade to wage the minimum wage. Basically, he was asked if the whole strategy was designed to help Democrats woo women voters. Jay Carney thought this was the perfect time to plug his wife's book - which, he noted, was a New York Times best seller and is available on Amazon.
- Thursday, March 13, 2014

NBC/WSJ poll: Voters planning to use midterms to punish Obama

There's a new NBC News / Wall Street Journal poll out today and it contains a whole host of ugly news for the left. If Democrats are looking for comfort after their loss in Florida, they're going to have to look elsewhere. Obama's approval rating has hit a new low and, even worse, voters are ready to use the 2014 midterms to punish him.
- Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Barack Obama plugs ObamaCare on 'Between Two Ferns' - and it's actually pretty funny

I know, I know. I'm a conservative columnist. I'm supposed to hate this. I'm supposed to write a hit piece telling about you that this is grotesque pandering from a President who's running out options to sell his signature law. If I was doing what I was supposed to do, I'd remind everyone that this is un-presidential, desperate, and "beneath the dignity of the office." I'd spend some time on the notion that this clip is an incredible waste of time, especially when our planet's geo-political situation seems shaky at best. Then I'd talk about our dismal economy, the President's disastrous fiscal record, and the nation's rampant joblessness. Finally, I might spend a few minutes discussing the idea that Barack Obama is obsessed with his personal celebrity and loves to hob-nob with Hollywood.
- Tuesday, March 11, 2014

John McCain employs the left's favorite tactic, then demands Ted Cruz apologize to Bob Dole

Back in 2008, John McCain ran what is unquestionably the weakest Republican Presidential campaign in modern American history. He was unfocused, indecisive, deathly afraid of criticizing his opponent, and unable to articulate any clear, concise policy opinions. In a word, it was disastrous. Since then he's spent most of his time trying to get in front of the cameras by voting against his own party, supporting opposition initiatives, and harassing any Republican Senator who actually dares to stand on principle.
- Monday, March 10, 2014
