
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Why is Redemption a Dirty Word to Democrats?

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was stripped of her committee assignments in the House of Representatives because she made some incendiary comments a few years ago which were not “politically correct”. Most people thought the comments she made were indefensible, and so did she, as she spoke before the House as they contemplated her fate. Her heartfelt apology was not heeded by the full contingent of Democrats and 11 Republicans.
- Saturday, February 6, 2021

When is a Progressive Not a Progressive but a Marxist/ Socialist?

When is a Progressive Not a Progressive but a Marxist/ Socialist?The practice of changing words or phrases to make them sound better (being more politically correct) is exactly what we do when we call Democrats “Progressives” (a/k/a liberals), but we actually mean that they should really be called Marxist/Socialists. The Democrats think that the word “liberal” is a term that carries a negative meaning, so that's why they use the word “Progressive”. It's still the same leftist programs no matter what you call it. Joe Biden, in order to appease the left-flank of his party and in order to get their vote, tried to portray himself as a “progressive moderate” (an oxymoron if there ever was one), but was that a good description of his program?
- Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Democrats Are Blinded to the Facts by Their Liberal Ideology

No matter what facts come out about the last presidential election, proving that fraud was the determining factor in electing Joe Biden, the Democrats and their hand-maidens in the “fake news media”, claim that this was a fair, honest, and legal election. Notwithstanding, the hundreds of sworn affidavits by poll watchers and ballot counters, swearing to election practices that were contrary to the law. There is even video proof that the ballot count was compromised by showing ballot counting resuming after Republican poll watchers were sent home and boxes full of ballots pulled out from under tables to be counted. In addition, affidavit statements stated that truck loads of ballots were delivered to Pennsylvania from Long Island, New York. All this was done on November 4th in the early morning hours. And still the Democrats claim that the election was above reproach and honest.
- Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Democrats Credo  -  'We've Got What it Takes to Take What You've Got'

'We've Got What it Takes to Take What You've Got'To listen to the Democrats you'd think that the people who are a success in life and who have accumulated financial independence, are the people who should be scapegoats for the financial condition of the country.  Therefore, according to the Democrats, we need to "punish" them by over taxing them to make up for the governments malfeasance in running their financial affairs.  They never tell you that the top 10% of all taxpayers pay approximately 70% of all income taxes (is that paying their "fair share"?).  Without these much maligned taxpayers, we'd be in much more of a financial crisis than we are now in.  In that regard, I do believe that some corporations who earn millions in profits should pay something instead of nothing in income taxes, within reason (the list of corporations who earned a profit but paid no income tax included such companies as Amazon, Netflix, IBM, U.S. Steel etc.). Actually, we'll need more people in the 10% category paying taxes, not less.
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020

'You Don't Make the Poor Rich by Making the Rich Poor'

'You Don't Make the Poor Rich by Making the Rich Poor'Those prescient words by Sir Winston Churchill seem not to have been heeded by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio ( rated the worst mayor in the country).  He has recently stated that he wants to have "income redistribution" in New York City in order to attain, what he calls, "evening the playing field".  That's right out of the Karl Marx playbook.  As the city is reeling, as many thousands of tax paying residents are fleeing the city, the incompetent mayor, de Blasio, is preaching a form of Marxism/Socialism as the city goes into the dumps. What's wrong with the voters of N.Y.C. who elect and re-elect bozos like de Blasio to be their leader as the city heads into oblivion?  The city, unfortunately, is getting what they voted for.
- Monday, December 21, 2020

Joe Biden Didn't Win, China Did

Joe Biden Didn't Win, China DidThe Chinese weren't on the ballot this past election, but they were the big winners, not Joe Biden. It was no secret that the Chinese were rooting, behind the scenes, for the election of Joe Biden as president. Trump was a “thorn in the side” of the Chinese by imposing tariffs on Chinese goods entering the United States and his pointing out the human rights violations carried out by the Communist Chinese against its people. The Chinese tentacles have reached out to all parts of our country. Their influence has corrupted quite a few companies and organizations including the N.B.A. (National Basketball Association), Silicon Valley (Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.), many colleges and universities, and of course, Hollywood. The Chinese have been spending money like “drunken sailors” all across our country. They have invested in real estate, shipping ports, interests in corporations, and have given millions to colleges and universities, and they have gained influence of some of our elected officials from mayors to congressmen and senators ( ex: Rep.Eric Swalwell, and Sen Diane Feinstein, to name a couple)In addition, they have gained access to Joe Biden through the business dealings of his son (Hunter) and brother (James) who have gotten millions of dollars in some shady deals with companies associated with the Chinese government (and other countries around the world).
- Thursday, December 17, 2020

Plausible Deniability

That's a phrase used by James Biden (Joe Biden's brother) in describing the shady activities of the Biden family in international business dealings. A definition of that phrase goes as follows: “The term typically implies forethought, such as intentionally setting up conditions for the plausible avoidance of responsibility for one's future actions or knowledge”. That sort of sums up the actions of the members of the Biden family in their “shady” dealings with foreign countries using the name “Biden” as the “foot in the door”, to get monetary rewards which they would not be able to get if they didn't use the Biden name or his influence.
- Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Jesse James Gang Reincarnated

Those famous robbers from the Old West, the Jesse James Gang, seem to have been reincarnated into today's Democrat Party. It seems the Democrat Party was just as good at robbery as the old Jesse James Gang, from their actions in the sill to be concluded presidential election. According to many experts who observed this past election, the Democrat Party pulled off the greatest election “heist” since the beginning of our democratic republic. They make the Jesse James Gang look like pikers.
- Wednesday, December 9, 2020

You Know it When You See it!

That phrase was used by Supreme Justice Potter Stewart to describe the threshold test for defining obscenity. The same expression can be used when describing the fraudulent presidential election we just witnessed. Most objective observant people know that the election was not on the up and up. Too many voting patterns and tabulations were not what they should have been. And all those shenanigans benefited Joe Biden.
- Sunday, November 22, 2020

We cannot continue on this method of voting chaos

Had I told you before this past presidential election that President Trump would receive more than 10 million more votes over his 2016 total, that he would receive 10% more of the black vote, that he would receive a record number of Hispanic votes, and that he would lose the election to a cognitively deficient opponent, you'd probably want to put me in the loony-bin? But, as of now, that is what has happened.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2020

How Come We Never Find Missing Republican Ballots?

Think about that question for a second, every time ballots are found after an election was supposed to be closed, it is always Democrat votes that seem to show up in mass. That headline question seems to have real relevance after this past presidential election. It seems that President Trump was leading in most battleground states on the night of the election, but in the days after the voting totals were supposed to be finished and totalled, late returns from notorious voter fraud states and cities started to come in to be counted. In most all cases the late voting totals overwhelmingly favored Joe Biden. How convenient was that?
- Wednesday, November 11, 2020

'Those Who Vote Decide Nothing. Those Who Count the Vote Decide Everything'

After this past presidential election, the words attributed to Joseph Stalin, the dictator butcher of the U.S.S.R., as written in the headline, seem to be prescient and valid. For months, President Trump has railed against the idea of mail out ballots to everyone and the possibility of fraud and misuse, and would be a voting disaster. Well it seems that he was spot on as we have just witnessed at the conclusion of the recent election.
- Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Chinese Revenge

The Chinese RevengeWhat better way for the Chinese to get its revenge against Donald Trump than to infect the United States with the COVID-19 virus? They knew the devastation it would wreak upon t innocent citizens, and they knew that Trump's enemies would use the deadly disease against him. To them it was payback time for what Trump did to them economically. The Democrats used the virus to hang a noose around the neck of President Trump, all during his campaign for re-election.
- Thursday, November 5, 2020

Too Bad There's No Vaccine Against Stupidity

While we and the world wait anxiously for a vaccine to cure the COVID-19 virus, another vaccine should be found to cure stupidity, which is also running rampant in our country and around the world. Listening to many of our politicians comment on what is supposed to be good for our country, the desire to find a vaccine against stupidity is all the more needed and fast, but I'm afraid that is just wishful thinking on my part.
- Saturday, October 31, 2020

Pinocchio Joe (and Kamala too)

Pinocchio Joe (and Kamala too)I realize politicians brag, obfuscate, embellish their rhetoric with faulty conclusions, but it works both ways. To listen to the Democrats, Trump has lied over 3,000 times in 4 years (where's the poor guy chosen to sit and write down all those lies?). That figure is just one of many that the Democrats and Biden/Harris have pulled out from their butts in trying to demean and discredit the president. Since this year’s presidential campaign started, the Democrats and Biden/Harris have run ads and made statements that are patently false (in other words, lies), but the “fake news media” doesn't report their “faux pas” like they would if President Trump made such falsehoods. Here's a list of some of the lies that the Democrat candidates have made recently.
- Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Biden/Harris Motto – 'Make America Fail Again'

The Biden/Harris Motto – 'Make America Fail Again'The Democrats and the “Fake News Media” since before President Trump took office and thereafter, have been ridiculing Trump's slogan of “Make America Great Again”, but really they should have been ridiculing the proposed slogan of the Biden/Harris campaign, “Make America Fail Again”. For the past three years of the Trump Administration (before the Chinese Pandemic hit us and the world), the United States economy was flying high, beating all parameters of the Obama Administration. But, the Democrats and their flunkies in the media, kept proclaiming that Trump's economy was just a continuation of the “great” Obama economy. Was that true?
- Monday, October 12, 2020

Kamala Harris, A Heartbeat Away

Kamala Harris, A Heartbeat AwayIf what you saw at the Vice-President debate, between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, makes you feel exhilarated by Mike Pence's performance, just think if the Biden/Harris ticket wins, there's a good chance that she will become the president in the future.
- Thursday, October 8, 2020

Who's a Bigot, a Racist or a Fascist?

Those words are bandied about willy-nilly by mostly liberals (a/k/a Progressives) generally describing their political opponents. First off, what is the definition of a bigot? It is defined as: “A person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong”. That same definition can be used for the terms racist and Fascist as well.
- Sunday, September 27, 2020

Trump’s Prosperity Promise vs. Biden’s Poverty Plan

This election is a clear choice between prosperity, as put forth by President Trump, and poverty, as put forth by Joe Biden and the Democrats. Which one will you choose? Do you really think that socialism is a better system than capitalism as you have been told by attending our educational institutions?
- Monday, September 14, 2020

The Democrats are Infected With Moral Paralysis

The Democrats are Infected With Moral ParalysisYou name it, if President Trump is in favor of it, the Democrats are against it even if it is beneficial to others. They are infected with “moral paralysis”.
- Friday, September 11, 2020
