
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

The Clintons and the Bidens Were Born Under the Same Sign, “FOR SALE”

The Clintons and the Bidens Were Born Under the Same Sign, FOR SALETwo of our recent most “illustrious” families--The Clintons and the Bidens have proven how “public servants” can become very wealthy by using their public service as a profitable vehicle to generate monetary gains. First the Clintons. Look at what the Clintons accomplished from their public service jobs, both during and after their government employment. When Bill Clinton left office, both Bill and Hillary claimed that they were broke and in debt (mainly because of big legal fees incurred by Bill's behavior both before and while he was in office). But, within a matter of 12 years they were multi-millionaires and the chief owners of a close to a billion dollar “charitable” foundation where most of the “charitable donations” went to the Clintons themselves and the flunkies who surrounded them. (A fact chronicled in the the best selling book by Peter Schweizer called, 'Clinton Cash').
- Thursday, February 13, 2020

If I Agreed With Mitt Romney, We'd Both Be Wrong

As a person who eagerly voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, I am totally disappointed in his desire to stab his president in the back over a personal pique. This “holier than thou” phony politician, tried to justify his misguided personal animosity toward President Trump by claiming that his religious faith caused him to act the way he did in voting “Yes” to find President Trump guilty of Article One of the impeachment of President Trump that was put forth by House of Representatives.
- Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Follow The Money

Follow The MoneyFrom what we see and read in the news media, and what is produced in Hollywood, you’d think that global warming is a “fait accompli” and that no further debate is needed on this very debatable subject. Wait! Not so fast! Who gave them the right to close debate on this subject? It is not settled science. No science is ever settled, it is always evolving. Before we all follow the “doom and gloomers” into the dark ages, let’s hear what others have to say about our “impending demise”. Thousands of years ago, we were in an Ice Age—the ice melted and there were no SUVs or extensive use of fossil fuels. According to climatologists and scientists, in medieval times the Earth was warmer than it is today—still no SUV’s in sight and the industrial revolution didn’t even begin as yet..
- Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Liberals Turn Common Sense Into Nonsense

Liberals Turn Common Sense Into NonsenseIf you listen to today's liberal politicians and their flunkies in the main stream media, you wonder where their common sense has gone – it seems their one time common sense has morphed into nonsense.

A good example are the thoughts and policies put forth by the Democrat candidates for president and some of the movers and shakers in the rank and file of the Democrat Party itself.  You wonder, do they really believe what they say or are they just mouthing what they think the Democrat base wants to hear?  To any intelligent person, it is just pure nonsense to spout such platitudes promising voters something for nothing, which seems to be the major promise they are making in hopes of enticing  voters to vote for them.

- Friday, January 10, 2020

Slouching Toward Gomorrah

Slouching Toward GomorrahThat was the title of a book written by the late Judge Robert H. Bork, whose thesis was that the U.S. and more generally Western culture was in a state of decline and that the cause of this decline was modern liberalism and the rise of the new left.
- Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Good Scapegoat is Almost as Good as a Solution

A Good Scapegoat is Almost as Good as a SolutionThe scapegoat in this case is President Donald Trump as portrayed by the Democrats. Ever since Trump pulled off the greatest electoral upset of the century, he has become the scapegoat for the failure of the Democrat Party to “crown” Hillary Clinton as president of the United States. For 3 years, everything President Trump has said or done (and in his whole life) has been put under a microscope in hopes of finding something—anything— to bring Articles of Impeachment against him to remove him from office. So far, the partisan attacks have failed, even though the Democrats have put forth two phony Articles of Impeachment.
- Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Does Our Constitution Need to Be Rewritten or Reread?

Does Our Constitution Need to Be Rewritten or Reread?To listen to some far-left loons, our Constitution is a worthless piece of paper that is out of touch with present day Americans. Imagine this group of political losers, representing mostly Democrats and anarchists, trying to undermine over 225 years of progress as envisioned by the “founding fathers”? Our Constitution is looked upon, all over the world, as the “holy grail” of what many freedom thinking countries and governments have used as a blueprint for their own constitutions.
- Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Little by Little, Drip by Drip....

Little by Little, Drip by Drip....Lately, that's what has been happening in our country by the slow erosion of our American Judeo-Christian values that we have championed over the years and that have made us the preeminent country of the world.  Most objective sane observers would concur with that statement. But, in our midst there is  a gaggle of self-hating Americans. Our ex- President Barack Hussein Obama,  Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar etc. who would like to see a “total transformation” of our social and economic society, but they are smart enough to not openly push their agenda too fast down the throats of the American public.  They talk out of both sides of their mouths, and never admit to their true intentions.  So, if the radical lefty loons can regain power after the next election, the pace of “transformation” will be accelerated, and the country we have known since its inception will become a distant memory. 
- Friday, November 15, 2019

Only the Mediocre are Always at Their Best

Only the Mediocre are Always at Their BestWhen President Trump says that we should put America First, and that we are an exceptional country, he gets mocked by the lefty loons who are championing Socialism over our Free Enterprise Capitalist system. Those ignominious ingrates are really preaching that the United States is not exceptional, but that we are just a mediocre nation.
- Wednesday, October 16, 2019

You Can't Impeach a President For Crimes Committed by Democrats

You Can't Impeach a President For Crimes Committed by DemocratsAfter 3 years of calling for the impeachment of President Trump, the feckless Democrats have now latched onto a benign conversation between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, as evidence that Trump committed an impeachable act. Does any sane, non-partisan person really think that President Trump has committed a high crime or misdemeanor, and therefore, should be impeached?
- Thursday, October 10, 2019

Adam Schiff: You Are a Mouse Studying to Be a Rat

Adam Schiff: You Are a Mouse Studying to Be a RatEver since President Trump was elected president, his prime antagonist has been the partisan miscreant, Rep. Adam Schiff. Day after day, week after week, he has been making anti-Trump comments which have been totally debunked over and over again. Why the animus toward President Trump? Who knows, except that Adam Schiff is a dyed-in-the-wool, dishonest Democrat politician who rued the day that Trump was elected over his candidate, Hillary Clinton. He considers Trump to be an illegitimate president.
- Sunday, October 6, 2019

A Closed Mouth Gathers No Foot

A Closed Mouth Gathers No FootShouldn't those words in the headline be heeded by Joe Biden and a host of other Democrats, especially Adam Schiff? It's been 3 years of a constant failed barrage of negative claims against President Trump, and still the Democrats won't give up their quest to have President Trump thrown out of office.
- Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Another Bite of the Apple?

Another Bite of the Apple, Democrats, TrumpCan you believe that the feckless Democrats are trying to take another “bite of the apple” of trying to get President Trump out of office? The Jerrold Nadler-led House Judiciary Committee, which is searching for anything to hang around the neck of President Trump, would be the 5th “bite” after the FBI. The same House Committee, prior to Nadler's chairmanship, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the Mueller Special Counsel investigation, all found no evidence of illegality by President Trump. Now Nadler is going to waste more time and money in trying to do what the 4 other investigations failed to find--that Trump committed impeachable crimes.
- Friday, September 13, 2019

Democrats Say No One is Above the Law, BUT...!

Democrats above the LawThe full context of that quote in the headline is: “Democrats Say No One is Above the Law, but My Question is, How Come Illegals Are”? To listen to the Democrat candidates for president, you'd think that anyone who can enter our country illegally should be accepted and taken care of, no ifs, ands, or buts. Doesn't that show that the Democrats are using a double-standard to justify their views on illegal immigration? Since the Democrats and their acolytes in the main stream media (a/k/a fake news), parse every word or action of President Trump to make him look bad and unworthy of being president, they all seem to excuse the illegal acts of their own cronies such as Hillary and Bill Clinton, James Comey and assorted others from the Obama administration. It seems they turn a blind-eye when one of their own has skirted the law. In other words, their friends are “above the law”, which is the height of hypocrisy.
- Monday, September 9, 2019

You're Never Too Old to Learn Something Stupid

You're Never Too Old to Learn Something StupidThat admonition in the headline can be applied to most of the candidates for the Democrat nomination for president. Look at what they are proposing for a validation of the headline. Well, how can the designation of "stupidity" be applied to the Democrat candidates? Here are some examples of what they have proposed:
- Monday, September 2, 2019

Legalize Marijuana? Be Careful What You Wish For!

Legalize Marijuana? Be Careful What You Wish For!The pro-marijuana lobby is ecstatic that 10 states (Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Vermont, California, and Oregon, plus Wash D.C.) have legalized recreational marijuana, with more expected in the future. Should the rest of us be as ecstatic as the “potheads” and others who have supported this legislation are? By the way, did you notice that most all the states that have legalized it are “blue states” (run by Democrats)?
- Wednesday, August 21, 2019

For Every Promise – There is a Price to Pay

For Every Promise – There is a Price to PayIf you listen to the Democrat candidates for president, you'd think that the United States treasury has an unlimited amount of cash to pay for all the promises (a/k/a goodies) they are making to garner the votes of a naive electorate. Free this, free that, is the main promises that these “pretenders to the throne” are using as to why they should be elected as your next president.
- Saturday, August 17, 2019

Don't Confuse Me With The Facts, My Mind is Made Up!

Don't Confuse Me With The Facts, My Mind is Made Up !That seems to be the thinking of the 20 plus candidates for the Democrat nomination. All decry the shootings in Texas and Ohio, but is the shootings of 53 and the killing of 7 in Chicago over a weekend any different from the shootings in El Paso and Dayton? Also, include the fact that Baltimore has reached 200 murders this year alone, thereby taking over the top spot of murders per 100,000 residents in the United States. Where's the outrage with those damning statistics? Is it less of a crime that murders in those cities are less important than the shootings in Texas and Ohio?
- Tuesday, August 6, 2019

When You Reward Bad Behavior You Get More of it

When You Reward Bad Behavior You Get More of itAfter listening to the Democrat candidates for president, you'd think that anyone who enters our country illegally should not be treated as “criminals”, but should be embraced as future American citizens. In other words, they want to reward people who broke our immigration laws with sanctuary and possible future citizenship. That rewards bad behavior and is an open invitation to future law breakers to come to the United States and be welcomed with “freebies” and benefits that even our own citizens are not eligible for. That's a recipe for national disaster, and those Democrat candidates are championing that behavior.
- Wednesday, July 31, 2019
