
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Saul Alinsky and the War on the Police

For a person who has been dead for 48 years, you wouldn't think he had anything much to do with the havoc and mayhem that is happening in many of our towns and cities across the country, but, YES, he has had an influence on what has been happening to our country, and not for the better.
- Monday, September 7, 2020

The Myth of Endemic Police Racism

The Myth of Endemic Police RacismTo listen to the Democrats, the main stream media, and the radical domestic terrorists (BLM and ANTIFA), you'd think that the police are targeting black people for execution on an almost regular basis. The answer to that charge of “endemic racism” is an absolute NO. According to the UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting program of the FBI) the claim of police misconduct (mainly racism) is grossly misleading.
- Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Two Biggest Cons in Town--BLM and ANTIFA

To listen to the Democrats and the pundits on CNN and MSNBC, and the “anti-racist racists”, you'd think that both the BLM and the ANTIFA anarchists were both “peaceful demonstrators” just airing their grievances about police brutality. Can you believe that? Even during the Democrat convention there was no mention of the damage and the carnage committed by these two “peaceful” groups.
- Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Can Hatred of Trump Carry the Democrats to Victory?

During the Democrat Convention, the main theme was Trump is “evil” and Biden is good. In contrast, what were the policies that the Democrats wanted to pursue to make the U.S. citizens lives better? I guess they didn't have any as all you heard was that President Trump was responsible for everything bad in our country and around the world, and nothing good about him or his administration. No matter who they had in their lineup of speakers, they all voiced the same inane comments – Trump must go and in his place, Sleepy Joe Biden.
- Saturday, August 22, 2020

Do Democrats Hate Trump So Much to Put Biden in Charge of the Country?

Hatred is an emotion that can make normally sane people insane. Ever since Donald Trump was elected, that emotion, hate, has taken over the minds of normally sane people, which included both Democrats and some Republicans (RINO's). Never in my long life, have I seen such vitriol directed at a sitting president, which is mostly phony and uncalled for. From day one, his political enemies have tried to undermine his presidency, starting with the bogus charge of accusing him of colluding with the Russians in the run up to the 2016 election. It took 3 ½ years and $30 million to put that phony charge to rest, even with a “stacked deck” Robert Mueller investigative team, loaded with anti-Trump lawyers.
- Monday, August 17, 2020

Does Kamala Harris Have More Baggage Than Macy's Has Luggage?

Does Kamala Harris Have More Baggage Than Macy's Has Luggage?Well, the waiting is over, Joe Biden (or the Democrat insiders) has chosen Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. The question is, will she enhance the Biden ticket or will she be a dud and flame out like she did during the Democrat primary?
- Thursday, August 13, 2020

Which is More Important, Trump's Personality or Your Pocketbook?

It has been reported that many people want to vote against President Trump (instead of just voting for Joe Biden), because they don't like his personality, but they must ask themselves, which affects them more in life, his personality or their pocketbook? I can't believe that the voters would be so dense as to “cut off their noses to spite their faces”, because that's what they would be doing if that thought carried the day. The president is criticized about his tweets, and negative comments about his opponents which they claim are "politically incorrect", but shouldn't he be judged on his accomplishments that have benefited the citizens of the United States?
- Saturday, August 1, 2020

Why is Stating “All Lives Matter” A Racist Statement?

All Lives Matter,In our crazy, upside down environment when the term “racist” is used to describe someone with opposite or opposing views, we have the dichotomy that if you proclaim “All Lives Matter”, you are considered a racist. The term “Black Lives Matter” is being promoted as that black lives are being systematically oppressed and, in too many cases, killed by brutal police tactics. The facts don't back up those claims as the statistics by the FBI and by author Heather MacDonald seem to prove. The false claims that police are killing unarmed blacks at an alarming rate doesn't meet the standards of proper reporting.
- Monday, July 27, 2020

Sleeping With the Enemy - Democrats with the Socialists

The Democrats are no longer the party of JFK, Scoop Jackson, or Daniel Patrick Moynihan or even Ronald Reagan before he became a Republican. No, the Democrats have “made their bed” with the Marxist/Socialists in conjunction with Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley, plus other left leaning party members, mostly in the Congressional Black Caucus. Joe Biden has become one of them, as when Ole Bernie said that Joe Biden would be the most “progressive” president since FDR. In other words, he would carry the banner for the Democrat Socialists from the White House.
- Saturday, July 11, 2020

Thou Doth Protest Too Much

Thou Doth Protest Too MuchThat phrase in the headline is a play on what Shakespeare wrote in “Hamlet”. The full phrase of Shakespeare was, “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks”. The meaning of that phrase is that some person or group is insistent about something, to the point where the opposite is most likely true. That phrase by Shakespeare could and should be applied to the anti-Trump Democrats who are complaining about the same tactics they used in trying to impeach the president. Imagine the phony outrage of them complaining that both Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Chuck Grassley have issued subpoenas to many of the former Obama officials in trying to get to the bottom of the ill-fated attempts to illegally drive President Trump from office. Yes, they doth protest too much.
- Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is Racism a Two-Way Street?

Is Racism a Two-Way Street?Since the unfortunate killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, we've heard a cacophony of rhetoric claiming that black people are systematically being killed by the police. Is that a fair, honest statement? During hysterical times, unsubstantiated charges are made to heighten the emotions of certain people looking for a cause to advance their agenda.
- Friday, June 5, 2020

A Declaration of Conformity

Our Declaration Of Independence was produced as a road map for the beginning of our great country, leading up to our Constitution, the greatest document ever written in the free world. But it seems that the Democrats want us to forget the Declaration of Independence and foist in its place, the “Declaration of Conformity”.
- Sunday, May 24, 2020

Obama: The Teflon Con

Whoever heard of an outgoing president using his office to orchestrate the undermining of his successor? Well, it seems that Obama was knee-deep in the muck as he and his “henchmen” tried to bring down the person who was elected to succeed him in the Oval Office, Donald J. Trump.
- Saturday, May 16, 2020

Can President Trump Do Anything Right?

To listen to the media and the Democrats, no matter what President Trump says or does it is wrong and in some cases downright “evil”. In all my many years, I have never seen such a concerted effort to destroy another individual. It is so blatant that it boggles the mind. The criticism comes at him 24/7 and twice on Sunday. They never let up. I do believe that if Trump came up with a cure for cancer, they'd complain as to why it took him so long. You just can't satisfy their thirst for destruction of another person.
- Thursday, May 7, 2020

Is Joe Biden in a Witness Protection Program?

Is Joe Biden in a Witness Protection Program?Where's Joe Biden? That's the question going around in most political circles. We realize that during this Coronavirus epidemic, it is difficult to get any attention on T.V. or in the press, but in the few instances where Joe Biden has tried to send out a message, he has totally “bombed” out with a jumbled, mumbled, and garbled message. It is actually pitiful to watch a man that looks like he is in the throes of a cognitive decline. When will some compassionate individual close to him tell him that he should “pack it in” and go quietly into retirement? His PhD. wife should be able see that his mannerisms and demeanor are not up to speed, and any sane unbiased person can see that his mental decline is quite obvious.
- Monday, April 6, 2020

The Democrats Geriatric Dilemma

The Democrats Geriatric DilemmaThe biggest problem for the Democrats is how are they going to market any of the “old fossils” running for president in trying to determine who will be their candidate for president to oppose President Trump in the upcoming election. The average age of the 2 remaining candidates, (Biden and Sanders), is 78 (Elizabeth Warren, also in her 70's, is now becoming just an after-thought, and Micheal Bloomberg (78) has thrown in the towel).
- Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrats: The Pander and Patronizing Party

Do the Democrat candidates for president really think that they can pander and patronize black voters into voting for them? It was pathetic viewing and listening to them at the South Carolina debate as they tried to outdo each other by feigning compassion and concern of the supposed plight of black people. These same concerns were not brought up at the previous debates as the main audiences in those debates were white. The insincerity of the comments in South Carolina was deafening to say the least.
- Thursday, February 27, 2020

To Barack Obama on the Booming Economy  - "You Didn't Build That"

To Barack Obama on the Booming Economy  - You Didn't BuildHere we are, 3 years into the Trump presidency, and the economy is booming.  Guess who opens his mouth to take credit for it but ole "shovel ready"  Barack Hussein Obama himself.  The Democrats have had a terrible time coming up with sensible economic programs to challenge President Trump in the upcoming general election, so they trot out the overseer of the worst economic recovery in modern history, former President Barack Hussein Obama to claim that he was responsible for the booming economy.
- Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Clintons and the Bidens Were Born Under the Same Sign, “FOR SALE”

The Clintons and the Bidens Were Born Under the Same Sign, FOR SALETwo of our recent most “illustrious” families--The Clintons and the Bidens have proven how “public servants” can become very wealthy by using their public service as a profitable vehicle to generate monetary gains. First the Clintons. Look at what the Clintons accomplished from their public service jobs, both during and after their government employment. When Bill Clinton left office, both Bill and Hillary claimed that they were broke and in debt (mainly because of big legal fees incurred by Bill's behavior both before and while he was in office). But, within a matter of 12 years they were multi-millionaires and the chief owners of a close to a billion dollar “charitable” foundation where most of the “charitable donations” went to the Clintons themselves and the flunkies who surrounded them. (A fact chronicled in the the best selling book by Peter Schweizer called, 'Clinton Cash').
- Thursday, February 13, 2020
