
Chuck Lehmann

Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann (Chuck on the Right Side

Most Recent Articles by Chuck Lehmann:

Is it Better to Be Employed at $8.00 per hour or to Be Unemployed at $15.00 per hour?

https://canadafreepress.com/images/uploads/LEHMANN062819-100.jpgThe push is on by the Democrat Party to have the government mandate a $15 per hour minimum wage. If there ever was a job killer proposed by our feckless politicians, this would be right at the top. Everyone wants to make as much money as possible working at a job, but it should be determined by the free market not by a government mandate.
- Friday, June 28, 2019

The Democrats Promote “Welfare” Instead of Promoting the “General Welfare”.

The Democrats Promote Welfare Instead of Promoting the General WelfareThe phrase “promote the general welfare” is stated in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution. It could be interpreted as a basis for such legislation that promotes health, safety, morality, peace, and overall well-being of the people. With that in mind, isn't it ironic that the Democrats continually push for giving “welfare benefits” to illegal aliens, but never seem to push for looking out for the “general welfare” of the American citizen?
- Tuesday, June 25, 2019

“You Can't Teach People to be Lazy, Either They Have it or They Don't”

You Can't Teach People to be Lazy, Either They Have it or They Don't,According to government statistics, we have an unemployment rate of 3.6% (that's equivalent of full employment), but many jobs are gone wanting for people to fill them. To add to this dichotomy, we have a rising homeless population that is increasing by the week, month, and year. Why is that happening?
- Tuesday, May 21, 2019

There's a Big Difference Between Disagreement and Disdain

There's a Big Difference Between Disagreement and DisdainThe definition of those two words are as follows: “Disagreement” – a difference of opinion or dissent; “Disdain” – to look upon or treat with contempt, to despise or scorn someone or something. In politics there always will be disagreement, but in today's toxic political environment, the Democrats (and the “fake news” media) replace disagreement with disdain. The animus is so pervasive that no matter what President Trump might say or do, the Democrats will twist and turn what he says or does to make it look like he is the reincarnation of the devil.
- Saturday, May 18, 2019

When is “Oversight” Really “Overkill”?

When is Oversight Really OverkillThe U.S. Constitution gives the right to Congress to do “oversight” on the Executive Branch of government, but when doing that job, it should be for a legislative reason and not for vindictiveness, like what the Congress has being doing since President Trump took office.
- Saturday, May 11, 2019

You Can't Give Somebody Something Unless You Take it From Somebody Else

You Can't Give Somebody Something Unless You Take it From Somebody ElseThat in a nutshell is what is behind the principle of Socialism. The left-wing liberals are constantly crying that our capitalist free enterprise system creates an uneven playing field whereby some people do better financially than do others. Is that a bad thing? The Socialists, using the sin of envy, propose to take money away from the successful to give it to the unsuccessful.
- Wednesday, May 8, 2019

“If the Facts Don't Fit the Theory, Change the Facts”

If the Facts Don't Fit the Theory, Change the FactsThose prescient words, spoken by Albert Einstein, seem to have relevance today, especially if you listen to the candidates for the Democrat nomination for president. In order to generate votes and to appeal to the very vocal far-left base of the Democrat Party, the Democrat candidates are spouting nonsense as facts . Most all are championing many of the economic theories and principles of Socialism.
- Saturday, May 4, 2019

When do the Facts Turn into Political Demagoguery for Purely Partisan Reasons?

When do the Facts Turn into Political Demagoguery for Purely Partisan Reasons?Ever since the unfortunate violent confrontation in Charlottesville, Virginia in August, 2017, the left has condemned President Trump for not condemning forcefully enough one of the groups who participated in that violent confrontation. The irrefutable fact is, President Trump condemned not only the neo-Nazis (a/k/a white supremacists), but also the ANTIFA thugs who congregated outside the park. There was a third group on that day that was represented by local peaceful protesters who were protesting the tearing down of the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
- Saturday, April 27, 2019

Is The United States Ready for A Socialist President?

Is The United States Ready for A Socialist President?If you listen to the Democrat candidates for president, they wouldn't just welcome your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, they would create them. That would be the result if we would be foolish enough to elect any of the announced Democrat candidates as our Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief. Some claim outright they are socialists, or socialist sympathizers, while the others will reject that designation, but their policies and actions will say otherwise.
- Saturday, April 20, 2019

Hillary Clinton is Not a Crook, She's an “Undocumented Felon”

Hillary Clinton is Not a Crook, She's an Undocumented FelonThe old saying that “a lot of truth is said in a jest”, certainly applies to the headline above. Since the beginning of the Donald Trump presidency, the Democrats and their shills in the “Mainstream Media”, have been accusing President Trump of all kinds of wrongdoing, including felonies and of being a traitor to his country.
- Friday, April 5, 2019

They Not Only Want Everyone To Look Different, but Want Everyone to Think the Same

They Not Only Want Everyone To Look Different, but Want Everyone to Think the SameThe Liberals (a/k/a Progressives) are always preaching “diversity”, but deep down they really don't want everyone to just look different, they really want everyone to think like they do. They are the chief proponents of “political correctness”, who will determine what you can say or do, and will have the unelected P.C. Police “sworn in” to carry out their destructive attempt at conformity.
- Saturday, March 16, 2019

Socialists Turn Common Sense into Nonsense!

Socialists Turn Common Sense into Nonsense!If you listen to the rhetoric of Bernie Sanders, you'd think that the United States is on the precipice of an economic disaster and that his socialist policies are the antidote to “make America great again”. This from a man who has never held a private sector job and has been on the government payroll for most of his adult years. In other words, he has been sucking on the “teat of Uncle Sam” practically forever. And he's telling us what to do?
- Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Diversity --The Albatross Around the Liberals' Neck!

Diversity --The Albatross Around the Liberals' Neck!Being the party of "diversity" and "inclusion" (a/k/a identity politics), the Democrats use those terms to try to appeal to certain groups of people rather than to individuals. This collective mentality is the reason why many in the Democrat Party are embracing the failed system of Socialism. Big government rather than individuals running the show.
- Saturday, March 2, 2019

Can We Tax Ourselves into Prosperity?

Can We Tax Ourselves into Prosperity?According to the Democrats, especially those running for the Democrat nomination for president, the answer, to the headline above, is a resounding YES! Again, the prescient words of Sir Winston Churchill aptly describes those Democrats (a/k/a “Agents of Doom”) by stating the following: “We contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket trying to lift himself up by the handle”.
- Thursday, February 21, 2019

The "New Green "Raw" Deal"

The New Green Raw DealCan you believe that 70 House of Representative Democrats and 12 U.S. Senate Democrats have signed onto the proposal put forth by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, called the “New Green Deal”? Not only is this proposal economically unfeasible, but it is also physically impractical, in other words, it is the “New Green “Raw” Deal”.
- Monday, February 18, 2019

It's Not a Dream, It's a Nightmare

It's Not a Dream, It's a NightmareIf you listen to many of the Democrats regarding the nonsensical “New Green Deal” sponsored by that ditsy new Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (a/k/a AOC), they claim that the provisions of this proposal are a “dream”, and is a start of a conversation about the theory of man-made climate change. From what you've read or heard, do you think this proposal is a “dream” or do you think it is a “nightmare”?
- Friday, February 15, 2019

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (a/k/a AOC) and her Democrat flunkies, are the gifts to the Republicans that keeps on giving. To show the naivete of those that embrace the “New Green Deal”, and that they are living on another universe, just look at what they are proposing. How are you going to eliminate all fossil fuels and still have a livable society and still be able to survive?
- Saturday, February 9, 2019

Whatever Happened to Face to Face Conversation?

I might be out of touch with reality or just a plain old fogey, but have you noticed that the art of face-to-face conversation has taken a back seat to people who use their I-Phones and I-Pads etc. on an almost addictive basis?
- Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Are Pelosi/Schumer “Nebulous Namby Pambys”?

Are Pelosi/Schumer “Nebulous Namby Pambys”? Have you listened to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer lately, as they offer their reasons why a southern border wall is immoral and a waste of taxpayer money? Do you think they could be tagged with the sobriquet of “Nebulous Namby Pambys”?
- Sunday, January 13, 2019

Ignominious Ingrates

Ignominious Ingrates Do you think that Democrats who are against building a security border wall on the border with Mexico, could or should be called or classified as “ignominious ingrates”?
- Tuesday, January 8, 2019
