
Ray DiLorenzo

Ray DiLorenzo is a career pilot having retired after 22 years as a contract fire pilot with the California Department of Forestry (Cal-Fire). He is presently affiliated with Stand Up America US Foundation founded by Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (Ret).

Most Recent Articles by Ray DiLorenzo:

Will Anything Happen November 4th?

Antifa, Going Down, Sub.Media, Insurrection News, Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement Antifa is calling for a peaceful protest every day starting November 4th, but others are saying online that Antifa is calling for an all-out violent war in the streets. Still others are saying plainly that Antifa is planning to instigate a civil war in order to remove Trump from the White House.
- Monday, October 30, 2017

The Talking Dead

Hey Bernie, have you looked past your bad haircut lately? How about you, Jerry Brown (D-CA), with a state that has a $1.2 trillion shortfall in its public pension system & health care (Calpers, CalStrs & State health plan) and sitting on the crumbling remnants of what used to be the finest freeway system and infrastructure in the world... a figurative picture of what used to be one of the richest states in the union? California is quickly becoming a state only for the rich and those that serve them.
- Sunday, October 15, 2017

What No One Dares Talk About

All the 'experts' have been contacted. They're on all the morning news shows, hard news programs, talk shows, you name it. They all have an opinion on the Las Vegas shooting. But, when asked the all important question as to why these mass shootings happen, they freeze...you know, the deer in the headlights look.
- Saturday, October 7, 2017

Making The Simple Complicated

There must be lawyers involved somewhere in the NFL controversy. Only they can make any issue more complicated than it needs to be. Yes, we have First Amendment rights. Yes, we can say almost anything we want and have it be perfectly legal. With that out of the way, let's get through all the fog and filthy air.
- Saturday, September 30, 2017

The New Face of the Democratic Party

Like it or not, this is what decades of Democrat liberalism has wrought. Hatred of America. Hatred of our history. Hatred of religion (except Islam). Democracy be damned...we want what we want.
- Saturday, August 26, 2017

EU Leaders Guilty of Criminal Negligence

What Europe's leaders have forced on their people is nothing less than criminal negligence. What is missing in European society that they feel a need to expose their citizens to extreme foreign cultures?
- Saturday, August 19, 2017

The North Korea Military - 2017

To understand North Korea (NK), we need to look closely at their military. They have spent much of their nation's treasure on their capability to wage war, to the detriment of many of their people.
- Saturday, August 12, 2017

Rage Has Become All the Rage

Americans are angry these days. As I watch the news and listen to people, everyone seems to be on some crusade. The polls show the rage. There is a constant grind of self-righteous hate and finger-pointing. Almost everyone hates Congress and half the people hate the President, mostly because they are being told to do so.
- Sunday, July 30, 2017

Why The Health Care Mess?

Yes, our politicians say they are diligently working to solve our health care crisis, but are they a major cause of our health care crisis? The health care mess started in the mid 1960s when Medicare and Medicaid were adopted.
- Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Real Deplorables

Mark Twain once said, "There is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress." To all the "Honorable" and esteemed Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen who claim honor, distinction, forthrightness, dignity, and exaltation...raspberries! Too many of you can not live up to your own bogus standards. You've earned your lousy approval ratings...11% in 2015 (Gallup) and still a dismal 21% in 2017 (Gallup).
- Saturday, July 15, 2017

Trump Doing the Unthinkable

Even before Donald Trump took the oath of office, Democrats started planning his demise...resistance, obstruction, impeachment and now attempting to exercise the 25th Amendment, bypassing impeachment, declaring Trump unfit for office.
- Sunday, July 9, 2017

Step Up or Step Out

Two more lost elections since Trump became president and Democrats are just scratching their collective heads. South Carolina and Georgia went, again, to the Republicans in what was estimated to be close races...NOT!
- Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Faces of the New Left

Why should anyone be shocked or surprised at the shooting of Republicans on Wednesday? The Democratic Party, Academia, Hollywood and the media have systematically created the toxic atmosphere we now contend with.
- Saturday, June 17, 2017

When Is Enough, Enough?

Here in the United States and Europe, freedom, especially freedom of religion, is totally ingrained in our conscience and in our culture. We have no experience with, cannot fathom, and cannot seem to cope with the prospect that there just might be a recognized 'religion' with a significant percentage of adherents that insist that those who choose not to follow their beliefs must be killed. It is totally foreign to our sensibilities.
- Saturday, June 10, 2017

Paris Climate Accord -Climate Control or People Control?

President Donald Trump pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord. Few realize how fortunate we are as a result. Because of this, of course, the President is being attacked by every liberal, globalist, socialist, environmental wacko, media nut job and political adversary. Nothing new there.
- Saturday, June 3, 2017

Europe Living The Time Machine

Like in the H.G. Wells classic, The Time Machine, Europe is living the fictional nightmare of being led to the slaughter, unable or unwilling to grasp the gravity of their predicament. They have opened their borders to millions of immigrants with a vastly different culture and belief system.
- Saturday, May 27, 2017

And The Sleaze Goes On

To all you sleaze bag politicians, true believers on the left, the phony establishment right and corrupt media pundits. You Never-Trumpers like John McCain, the political opportunist, who can never decide what side he's on, and the Hollywood types who only speak in complete sentences when reading a script...you all act like a coup had taken place and you must mobilize the troops and save America.
- Sunday, May 21, 2017

To Kill A King

Thou Shalt Not Murder...the moral imperative in the Ten Commandments. But what if you destroy a person so he or she can no longer function normally? Is that murder in a practical sense? Is that not breaking the spirit of the law?
- Saturday, May 13, 2017

Our Sick Health Care System

One way or another, we will have socialized medicine in this country. Politicians have raised and nurtured generations of people that expect something for nothing in exchange for votes. We have imported, legally and illegally, millions of uneducated, unskilled workers that can't afford a band-aid. We have millions of students 'graduating' high school that can't read, thus, unable to get a good job with health insurance.
- Saturday, May 6, 2017
