
News on the Net

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Most Recent Articles by News on the Net:

The Sand Master

The SandMaster is an attachment for a skid steer, backhoe or an excavator. It quickly fills, transports, securely closes, and places sandbags. Its primary function is to facilitate flood prevention efforts and emergency response. This is a fast and efficient tool that can run circles around hand labor all day long and never tires. It saves time and money and is able to pay for itself quickly.
- Monday, November 7, 2011

Tuberculosis detector would ferret out disease faster

Renata d’aliesio, Globe and Mail Researchers are developing an electronic nose that would sniff out tuberculosis like a Breathalyzer detects alcohol, putting an end to current time-consuming tests and possibly saving hundreds of thousands of lives each year.
- Monday, November 7, 2011

Canadian long gun registry a $2B waste; data to be destroyed

With the tabling of legislation to finally scrap the long-gun registry, the Harper government's further directive to destroy all the data is a mammoth victory of the people over Big Brother, writes the Calgary Sun newspaper.
- Monday, November 7, 2011

I choose To Protect and Defend the Constitution

Michelle Obama "…for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction."
- Saturday, November 5, 2011

When will the mayor ENFORCE the LAW?

It is evident how the global riots ensued with the class warfare instigated by our president. From the moment Obama was sworn in, he had called for class warfare, first from Egypt by including the Muslim Brotherhood who have, de facto, taken over; and later from other stages including the United Nations.
- Thursday, November 3, 2011

Shale Gas Vs Renewables: A Battle For Britain

By Helen Robertson, Global Warming Policy Foundation LONDON: Pro- and anti-shale drilling groups came face to face in London this week, as renewable-energy advocates and shale-gas supporters debated the environmental and economic issues surrounding its extraction.
- Thursday, November 3, 2011

Condi on Fox News tonight! We need to stop writing books and get out there!

Think about this. Why are so many people writing books? Tonight on Fox News (Hannity) interviewed Condi Rice. I looked forward to what she had to say. Then- it was really about selling her book which I will buy. BUT- if ppl really want to help us save our country, they need to get out there and reach the very people who don’t know any better. Those are the people who do not and can not READ BOOKS nor do they have the money or desire to read books. They believe what they hear on the ABC and the other alphabet channels.
- Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The truth about Steve Jobs’ number plate

By David Heath, IT Wire iTWire had the good fortune this morning to spend an hour with Jon Callas, CTO of Entrust, who in the past worked two stints at Apple in various senior security roles.
- Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saab heads for Chinese owners after rescue bid

By Veronica Ek and Patrick Lannin, Stockholm, Reuters Struggling Saab is set to follow rival Swedish car maker Volvo into Chinese ownership under a planned €100-million euro ($141-million U.S.) rescue purchase by Pang Da Automobile Trade Co and Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile Co.
- Saturday, October 29, 2011

Free advice for the idiots in government

This is beyond ridiculous. The country is heavily in debt, we are heading into a double dip recession in the new year and what is this so called “conservative” government doing? Well why not spend a fortune and ad more seats to the house of commons, yes indeed, more MP salaries, expensive staff, expensive offices, more pensions…more money flushed down the toilet yearly.
- Thursday, October 27, 2011

New technology for recovering valuable minerals from waste rock

ScienceDaily — Researchers report discovery of a completely new technology for more efficiently separating gold, silver, copper, and other valuable materials from rock and ore. Their report on the process, which uses nanoparticles to latch onto those materials and attach them to air bubbles in a flotation machine, appears in the ACS journal Langmuir.
- Thursday, October 27, 2011

Advance toward a breath test to diagnose multiple sclerosis

ScienceDaily — Scientists are reporting the development and successful tests in humans of a sensor array that can diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS) from exhaled breath, an advance that they describe as a landmark in the long search for a fast, inexpensive and non-invasive test for MS — the most common neurological disease in young adults.
- Thursday, October 27, 2011

NATO’s private purpose achieved, so now leave

The UN mandate was for NATO to provide humanitarian aid, not kill Gadhaffi. So is NATO admitting that they overstepped their mandate by now pulling out of Libya because they state that Gadhaffi is dead?
- Friday, October 21, 2011
