
A.J. Cameron

A.J. Cameron was born in Kansas City, MO, and raised in Prairie Village, KS. He is a graduate of Rockhurst High School and University of Kansas, and is a the former president of the Native Sons & Daughters of Greater Kansas City. Having worked for international and local, start-up companies, A. J. brings a wide range of insight to many of the challenging issues of the day. A.J. seeks to engage readers on key issues with views grounded in time-tested principles and common sense.

Most Recent Articles by A.J. Cameron:

Who is Fool Enough to Believe, or Trust, Anyone in Our Federal Government?

A couple of days ago, a good friend of mine called me. The purpose of the call was to read a brief scriptural passage. With scandal after scandal and the destruction of our constitution by the current and previous regimes of both parties, under the protective cover provided by the puppeteer-controlled media, how can any lucid individual be fool enough to believe, or trust, anyone in our Federal government?
- Monday, September 9, 2013

Dream 2013!

It seems apropos that on Labor Day weekend, Americans for Prosperity (AFP) would host its RightOnline and Defending the American Dream summits in Orlando, FL, home to Disneyworld. After all, Walt Disney believed in dreaming big, and all of us can use an infusion of hope and dreams, especially in the face of a government in which both political parties have gone rogue, riding roughshod over the U. S. citizen/taxpayer and our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. It felt great to escape the lies offered by those in government and supported by those within the puppeteer-controlled media to invest time to rekindle the dream of an exceptional United States, in which people freely pursue liberty and prosperity again!
- Monday, September 2, 2013

Avoiding a Bum’s Rush!

We’ve all heard the saying, ‘If it is too good to be true, it probably is’, yet, how often do people fall for tall tales? On Thursday, September 5th, residents and business owners in Lee’s Summit, MO have an opportunity to prove they are not among the victims of the tallest of tales.
- Monday, August 26, 2013

Even the Good Guys Have a Large Legion of Low Information Voters

Prior to launching into the content of this column, I wish to inform you that I have polished my tin-foil hat. It is quite fashionable for this season of discontent within our republic. With this acknowledgment, we haven’t reached the precipice of social, fiscal and political perdition just because of the low information voters who comprise the cabal of Progressive, leftist loons. Even the good guys have a large legion of low information voters! Why is this an issue?
- Sunday, August 18, 2013

Are You a Traitor?

Are you a traitor? Do you plan on voting for an incumbent in Congress in 2014? If so, by voting to re-elect any of the traitors in Congress, aren’t you also an enabling traitor?
- Thursday, August 8, 2013

City Council Crisis and the Rahm Emanuel Influence!

Tiny Roeland Park, KS, a suburb about a minute or two inside of Kansas, within the Kansas City metropolitan area, is emerging as one the seats of non-representative government in Northeast Johnson County.
- Monday, July 29, 2013

Pack the House; Boot Boehner!

Et tu, Boehner? It is apparent that Speaker of the House Boehner is as much a traitor to the U. S. citizen/taxpayer as the great imposter within the White House, the entire Democrat Party, the ‘Gang’ of Eight, and the additional turncoat Republicans within the Senate!
- Thursday, July 11, 2013

Common Core Concerns for the Childless, Empty Nesters and Employers!

A recent contact, who is engaged in the war to prevent the imposition of the collectivist Common Core curriculum and standards upon students within our educational system, was surprised to learn that I am so concerned about this issue because I don’t have any children. On the surface it may appear to be an issue for students, parents, dedicated teachers, and the collectivists within the education industrial indoctrination complex, but this issue should be of concern to every patriotic American citizen/taxpayer, including those who are childless, empty nesters and/or employers!
- Monday, July 1, 2013

Traitors of the Lost Ark!

Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are sacred covenants between the citizens of the United States of America and those within our elective and appointive government. Having been born to two parents who served patriotically and courageously during WWII, I was raised to believe in the goodness of our country and the majority of the citizens of our God-favored republic.
- Monday, June 24, 2013

High Noon in Missouri and Arkansas!

There are so many spinning plates of corruption, fraud, malfeasance, terrorism and treason originating within the District of Corruption that it is easy for many assaults to go unnoticed. Given the fact that the traditional media moguls are members of the puppeteer cabal attacking our republic from within, wouldn’t it be nice to have national, supposed ‘top tier’ talk radio hosts carve a portion of the time on their shows for self-adulation and/or petty attacks upon competitors within their industry to allow for reporting on the ‘below-the-radar’ assaults upon our rights and freedoms? One such assault is the White River National Blueway in Missouri and Arkansas. High Noon is rapidly approaching, not just for the more than 1.2 million people living within the boundaries of this watershed, but also for every red-blooded American citizen living within the U. S. High Noon is July 8, 2013, so acting upon this assault is URGENT!
- Friday, June 14, 2013

Welcome to No Care Obama Care!

Do you remember the ‘witty’ Democrat ad showing Paul Ryan pushing grandma out of a wheelchair and over cliff? Those Democrats are so clever and caring, what can go wrong with ‘No Care Obama Care’?
- Thursday, June 6, 2013

Common Core Conspiracy!

In discussing the many negatives and lies embedded within the Common Core curriculum with family, friends and acquaintances, it has become apparent that most people are fixated upon various, obvious aspects of Common Core. Most people are missing the bigger picture!
- Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Transparent IRS Agenda!

The challenge of being a politician, especially if he/she is attempting to act responsibly within the midst of a political scandal and a media hostile to the seeking the truth is having to rein in questions that must be asked to arrive at the truth.
- Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day Honors!

Memorial Day stands as a testament to the valor and ultimate sacrifice of those who have served to preserve our constitutional republic, and our rights and freedoms. Considering their sacrifices, don’t we owe it to all who have served, and especially those who have given their lives, fighting to retain all for which they have fought? Wouldn’t that be the best way to honor those brave men and women?
- Sunday, May 26, 2013

Common Core Corruption!

Lately, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has been serving up M.A.S.H. hash on several ‘core’ issues. In addition to retaining conservative-basher, Karl Rove, as an op-ed columnist, cramming Jeb Bush upon consumers of WSJ media, and not too clandestinely promoting amnesty (vs. legal immigration), the WSJ appears to subtly be promoting the imposition of Common Core, which is a plank of the unholy and unconstitutional U. N. Agenda 21, into the classrooms across the U. S.
- Friday, May 17, 2013

Puppeteers, Puppeteer-Controlled Government and Media, and Gosnell!

In today’s troubling world, dark clouds are gathering overhead as the puppeteers of perdition and poverty continue to control the actions of many of our politicians, the media, our political system, and our futures. The Gosnell trial offers a unique insight into this darkness.
- Friday, May 10, 2013

GOP Elites Keep Destroying Our Trust, Destroying the GOP!

Have you quit wondering if the elites within the Gutless Opposition Party (GOP) give a rat’s rump about anyone but themselves? Do you realize they are just as insidious as the ‘Demoncrats’ who have forfeited eternal salvation for wealth and power in this lifetime? The GOP elites keep destroying ‘we, the people’s’ trust, further destroying the GOP. The same can be said for supposed conservative media.
- Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Pressure is Building!

The bombs used by the brothers Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing appear to be a metaphor for the vast majority of legislation, departmental dictates and judicial rulings being used by politicians and judges to terrorize the American populace.
- Monday, April 29, 2013

The Rubio Shuffle – Is He a Man Who Can be Trusted?

I had planned to write up the minutes from our parish’s Pro-Life meeting Wednesday night and delve into a book given to me by a friend from church, entitled ‘Wake Up, America’ by Gregory Lang, … but, after hearing Rush Limbaugh’s interview of Marco Rubio Thursday, I felt compelled to comment on the interview. On the surface, Rubio appears to be reprising the Susan Rice ‘Parade of Lies Tour’ over the airwaves. After Rubio’s verbal shuffle on Thursday, I felt like taking a shower. Is he a man who can be trusted?
- Friday, April 19, 2013


What does one say after yet another gutless attack upon U. S. civilians? Several politicians and people in the media raced to the nearest TV monitor, microphone or keyboard to press their divisive, ‘collectivist’ agenda without enough knowledge of who and why the terrorist attack was perpetrated to support their inane comments. Is it any wonder why the ratings for Federal politicians, commercial TV networks and liberal cable TV networks are in the toilet? Do you care to flush and wash your hands?
- Tuesday, April 16, 2013
