Oh, and supplying them with proper equipment would also be nice, or is that too extreme?
Tell your Senators and congressmen to do their jobs.
That arrangement is called “birthright citizenship”
Attention uniparty: Two impeachments didn’t work, and unlimited lawfare didn’t work. Listen up, We the People have spoken.
Guess those small businesses are looking a little more important, now, don’t they, considering they are the canary in the mine for everyone else when it comes to this government and the UN/China dictates…
In short, “the smartest guy in the room” has been relegated back to who he is and always was: slick big time talker, anti-American grifter Barry Soetoro.
It is well past time for this so-called "woke justice" to be publicly ridiculed for the farce it has become
As one reaches a certain age, it's natural to want time to slow down a bit, but I'm willing to allow some wiggle room to ensure Trump takes office as quickly as God will allow. And may Almighty God protect him.
Fortunately, with President Trump, the border will be closed, the influx of foreign workers will stop, and the focus will return to where it should always be, the citizens of the United States
Canadian politicians have made a sorrowful mess of their own country but are now trying to escape citizen wrath by pointing fingers of blame at Donald Trump