
As sadistic, inhuman and inhumane as the shadowy elite are, they can be stopped, but it will take considerable prayer and action to do so

Comey Reinforces the Paradigm!

Thank you, Mr. Comey. Your comments and inaction in holding Hillary Clinton responsible for her clandestine email actions have reinforced the paradigm that virtually everyone in a leadership position in the government is a traitor to the people of our country. Leading up to yesterday, the propaganda media machine has been ‘informing’ the docile and distracted American people about what a ‘stand-up’ guy Mr. Comey is. Wasn’t Chief Justice Roberts extolled as a brilliant legal mind, the same C. J. Roberts who legislated twice from the ‘Supreme’ Court to force ObamaCare upon U. S. citizens and taxpayers? Didn’t Comey receive his appointment as the head of the FBI from the current puppet president? Do you remember Don Corleone’s consolation and tutelage of the distraught father and undertaker in ‘The Godfather’? The father and undertaker’s daughter had been beaten by her boyfriend and one of his friends, for refusing to have sex with them. They were not held accountable for their actions. The Don wouldn’t kill the boys, who had escaped ‘justice’, when asked by her father, but he consented to remedy the injustice. ‘Someday, and that day may never come, I’ll call upon you to do a service for me, but, until that day, accept this justice as a gift on my daughter’s wedding day’. Today must have been Comey’s day to do a service, ultimately backstabbing the American people!
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