
Survival in Tough Times

Historic Artifacts and Where To Put Them

Today’s artifacts: '37 Plymouth

Historical artifacts are often the product of circumstance and fate. The further we go back in history, the rarer are historical artifacts. Stuff deteriorates, rusts, rots, burns, fades, gets buried, and becomes food for bugs. Go back to the medieval period and documents are fairly abundant but incomplete and sketchy. Go back to the ancient period and artifacts are much rarer, much less complete, and very sketchy. In grad school we used to poke fun at the people working in medieval, but especially in ancient history. We would crack jokes about the discovery of a new potsherd in Ur or Timbuktu that had made it necessary to change all the history books and print new ones. Did you hear the joke about the archaeologist out in the desert in Mesopotamia who stubbed his toe, looked down, and said, “I could use a ziggurat about now?” Okay, I made that one up, but one has to be dedicated and often just plain lucky to find major artifacts from the ancient world.

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By Barbi on 2023 09 18

My brother owned a 58 MGB for awhile. I loved that car. My husband loves watching the YouTube presentations of classic car sellers. There is one in Tenn. that he watches. Sometimes the price is reasonable and he says how cute we would look in that car. My answer is the one-car garage can't handle a relic and a regular car. He has seen his car from high school which is now very expensive. If only we had held on to our stuff. We had no idea. I remember the Sunbeam. I don't know why. Maybe I just really liked that name. We are children of the 50s, but how many of our older siblings ( teenagers in the 50's) bought old jalopies to fix up. Car clubs and jackets. It was a fun time. The era of the American Graffiti movie. What a nice experience for you to have parents who were interested in cars! Most parents have kids that they are just tolerating this car craze faze. Good memories for you!

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