
Learn how to say NO! As Reagan used to say, "Trust, but verify." In this case, the government, all medical authorities, and the media. By all means, verify what you are told, use your own good judgment, and always trust in GOD!!

How Do You Kill 7.5 Billion People?

Odd question, I know. But we're all in this together, and we had better figure out how to deal with this quickly. Globalists want us dead. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has stated many times in print and in speeches that the planet is overpopulated and that its survival depends on controlling climate change, reducing population, controlling food supply, and our bad habits like owning cars.

This has not been an easy article to write or research. Many people and entities that we trusted are suspected of such depraved activity; it would be difficult to find an equal in human history.

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By jim on 2024 04 20

I retired a few years ago and I bought a little boat so I could take my grandchildren fishing. the economy has gone down so badly that I have had to return to work and now do not have time to fish. the boat has been passed on to a great nephew. after 73 years, it saddens me deeply to see that purple haired people that have no idea of how things run have managed to completely destroy the United States of America.

By Granny on 2024 04 20

I've lived in the "States" all my life. I've watched everything from the "Ice Age" to Global warming and trends that are disgusting to mere weird clothing. None of these have bothered me as much as what we've been experiencing noticeably in the past year and now more and more often. I don't happen to need life-saving drugs at this time; but many of my friends do and they can't get them. Diabetes drugs, Insulin, cancer drugs, allergy preventatives, OTC normal stuff like Ibuprofen, Tylenol, etc., and prescribed pain killers. I've been reading about this coming event for several years and have been trying to alert my family and friends that it's coming...but they haven't been listening until recently. We KNOW that 95% of our pharmaceuticals are "Made in China," "A Product of China," "Packaged in China." We have NOT paid attention. Between the desires of such as Bill Gates and those others in the above article, and an enemy country's desire to wipe us out...withholding medicine seems to be fairly simple, doesn't it. We can also look at the hundreds of 'accidental' incidences of destruction of beef, chicken, turkey, pork farms, food processing plants granaries, and so on to know this is not accidental at all. It is sabotage, intentional, and their agenda is likely fairly on track...we just haven't paid attention.

By parcelman007 on 2024 04 20

How do you kill 7.5 billion people? You create a deadly virus in some chinese and unleash it on the world population

By Rev. Roy Trepanier on 2024 04 20

Scripure describes in gruesome detail that some 5 billion people will die during the 7 yr. tribulation period that is due to begin just about anytime now. That's a good start.
I figure that most of those will be from nuclear war and the starvation, disease and pestilences that will follow. Most people have no idea that Jesus is comng back for 5 reasons.
1..to rescue and remove His church (those who believe in and have accepted Him as their personal Lord and Saviour and have chosen to follow Him).
2..to save mankind from totally annhilating itself.
3..to redeem His Chosen people Israel.
4..to bring His long prophesied judgments on this evil, Christ rejecting world.
5..to establish His Millenial kingdom rule from Jerusalem.

Don't believe it? Remember, He destroyed the whole world once. H egave mankind 6,000 years to 'get it right'. Times up !!!
Rev. Roy........<><

By Crotte on 2024 04 20

Well the evidence is out there but the criminals still run free as birds!!!!! A huge pile of words but ZERO ACTION on the criminals!!!!!!

By Watsyxz on 2024 04 20

The covid PLANdemic and the fake so-called “vaccines” and forced lockdowns were test runs. The mass psychosis, near universal fear and panic induced by the government, lap dog media, and the WHO, NIH, CDC, WEF, and medical-pharmaceutical conglomerate worked beautifully.
They watched as relatives, friends, neighbors, and coworkers turned against each other. The vast majority of the population raced
to obey and submit, without question or hesitation, everything that the government-media told them to do.
There have been no admissions of mistakes or apologies, because this was PLANNED. They got the responses they were expecting. And they undoubtedly are planning to do it again, but bigger, more comprehensive, deadlier and better controlled.

By parcelman007 on 2024 04 21

If you voted republican, I have all the sympathy in the world for you. If you voted for the dems, you're getting what you deserve.

By eric siverson on 2024 04 21

very interesting article . China once solved this population problem with the one child policy , trouble was Chinese only wanted one male child . So China changed the program . I guess caucasians are also not having enough children to replace themselves in highly developed countries . So we should eventually have a natural population decline although I doubt the globalists will be able to wait that long , So i expect this story maybe true

By Felix on 2024 04 22

Yes, there is too many people, but the problem is that the top layer is parasitic and once you kill the host the parasites die too. The parasites have few if any life skills, so when they release their solutions who will bake their bread and fix their water pumps.
This is not just about population control as countries like Australia would have a population in decline without migration. last year they brought in 1,000,000 just to keep the numbers up. This has to be more about power, control and power and control.
Of course it will not go as planned, and in 10 years' time all those crazy preppers will pop out of the bush and be the Saviour's of humanity.

By ROY S. MALLMANN II on 2024 04 26

We had better stop them now! The way forward is to elect Donald Trump which, in four years we can codify our laws better to keep the Democrat criminals from stealing elections which they have done since the 2018 catastrophe, which was achieved by not following election law, which allowed them to add fake votes overnight and the next day to "beat" all of the Republicans that were winners when the election ended at midnight.
If we can stop all of this economic immigration and return people to their original countries, that would be one step. A lot of these migrants, that were a drain on their countries, end up here. As long as we have solid work requirements for those able to work, it will stop that. Also re-instating the draft is the second answer. Believe me, I got drafted in 1965, but I took the 7 day "grace period" and joined the Navy Reserve with immediate active duty. The time in the Navy taught me team work as well as individual responsibility which made me a productive individual. I have never received welfare, food stamps, or any public assistance. Now I am living on Social Security and have MEDICARE, which is a Godsend. I applied for Social Security when I was 70 which gave me enough to live on. This is a great country with just enough help to keep you healthy and working. The Democrats are trying to kill that so everybody has to be controlled by the government so they have total control. We must stop that now by voting Republican!

By parcelman007 on 2024 04 26

You and I are blessed. We are blessed because of the country that the good Lord chose to put us in(we could have been born in the amazon jungle) and we are blessed because we are old. The people who are 40 years younger than us are going to have a rough life because this country is dying and I see no reason to believe that we are going to save it. It's time to spend a lot of time in prayer.

By Mary on 2024 04 26

Lots of good thoughts here in the comments. I don’t disagree with any of them.
I’m wondering if they think President Trump, if elected, would put a monkey wrench into their plans. They sure are going to great lengths to get him out of this race!

By parcelman007 on 2024 04 27

I really don't think Trump will get in and even if he did, he couldn't solve this countries problems. Here in America we used to say "in God we trust". We deliberately decided that we wanted no part of that anymore. Saying "in Trump we trust"(though he is sincere) is not going to help.

By Ron on 2024 04 28

it will be and already has been mostly Stealth Euthanasia that makes health care facilities health kill facilities.

COVID "treatment" was stealth euthanasia, hidden, covered up, not recorded medical murder.

Been going on for decades just ramping up now. Those of us who are patient advocates working in pro-life organizations have tried to expose this for decades. Before the "silencing" of the past few years, we've been silenced for decades. Not one newspaper has allowed the truth to be revealed, though major reporters from Washington Post and others have interviewed us. The editors don't allow this truth to be shared with the people!

Stealth Euthanasia: Healthcare Tyranny in America online full length pdf e-book (read for free online) at


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