
We are dealing with a forceful political crusade set out to destroy capitalism, democracy and the values on which this Republic was first founded

I Hope I am Wrong

As you may or may not have noticed, during the past few months, I decided to take a brief political sabbatical, and managed to stay away from my passionate dissertations designed to kindle that American spirit which made this country the great nation it once was--a spirit which, I am sorry to say, has all but vanished amidst an incomprehensible wave of, again, unfathomable events. All pointing to a swift permutation to becoming a full-fledged communist state, albeit while many Americans succumb to a subliminal "denial"--one where the blindfolds makes them look upon the obvious as nothing short of a surreal aberration embraced by a conservative bourgeoisie; not to mention that the scoundrel in the White House, specifically made a commitment to carrying out said transformation back on October 30th, 2008, just before he was elected as the 44th president of the U.S. Today, however, I am out to talk to you about, what else, but "the" only topic worth talking about at this point in time considering the magnitude and repercussions of our forthcoming presidential elections--one which as far as I am concerned may very well turn out to be not just another change in the presidency of the U.S., but an apocalyptic landmark to mankind. Yes, I can sense history being made on November 8, 2016. And I see you and I a part of it all, thus my incessant obligation to humbly share with the world my very own personal views and vantage point, in the way I see it all developing--my self-effacing predictions on the outcome of this momentous election.
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