
Media Vote Fraud is unethical, Un-American, immoral, and against all journalistic standards and beliefs in the freedom of the press to report the truth

MEDIA VOTE FRAUD: How the Media has Disenfranchised the Voter and Made a Fair Election Impossible

Have you looked at your news section on your smart phone today? If yours is anything like mine, I have to wade through about 30 anti-Trump stories, both real and imagined, before I ever get close to something objective or newsworthy. There are almost no anti-Clinton stories. This is impossible. Some days there are stories that nibble at the edge of potential character flaws in Mrs. Clinton, but it’s nothing compared to the tirade against Trump. Same thing on my Facebook news, trending news, in fact any news feed you go to, the bias and balance of stories is completely against Trump. How then can anyone who isn’t a media savvy watcher come to any conclusion other than Trump is a racist, sexist, mysoginist, immigrant hating, Islamophobe, who will destroy this country? It takes a conscious effort to find any balance of news, a pro-Trump story, the actual words of Trump before the media distorts and clearly lies about what he says, to get any idea what is really happening and what the candidates are really like and how they would govern. One has to make quite an effort to actually listen to Trump in rally speeches, unedited interviews, and the live debates, all before the media tells you what they want you to believe Trump said, or meant, compared to what he actually said. I want to introduce a new term. Media Vote Fraud. This is where the media has conspired to throw the election to the Democrats and Clinton by providing such an avalanche of negative stories on Trump, such that the average voter is denied any kind of balance or negative information on Clinton or the Democrats, and therefore is denied the essential information necessary to make an informed decision. Millions of voters have been denied election information vital to them by the media and as such have been disenfranchised from that information, and therefore disenfranchised from a fair ability to vote. This is an organized, conspiratorial, purposeful, withholding and distortion of information, designed to bring about a pre-determined result. And that ladies and gentlemen is as clear a case of fraud if ever there was one, especially when the media hides behind and pretends that they are the trusted source of information you need to decide how to vote.
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