
When someone makes a statement demanding we "believe the science", or claiming "the science says", they are making a theological statement, reflecting a lack of understanding of actual science. They have merely substituted one god for another, and on

Why you shouldn't believe science

We hear it all the time these days. "Believe the Science" and "If you don't believe, you're just anti-Science". Proponents of various causes use Science as a bludgeon to attack anyone who disagrees with them. Most of the ones I encounter are on the political Left and accuse those on the Right as being anti-science because they dare question the dogma being presented as Science.

The astute reader will note that I have capitalized the word "Science" at several points above, because Science, with a capital "S" has become the new source of revealed Truth that must simply be accepted without question. Believe, they demand, and you shall be saved! Unbelievers must be punished!

As a practicing scientist with several decades of experience, I can say with some justification, that the words "science" and "belief" should not be tied together the way they often are today. What was once a process for systematic exploration and a way to answer the question "how do we know what we know?" has become an authoritarian tool to use against dissent in a new form of Inquisition.

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By Centrewing on 2023 03 06

I definitely am not a scientist, but I read a lot and can still at my age think for myself and have common sense. Yes this is so because we as none scientist have been watching Science be politicized and real scientists fight back with other facts turning out to be real facts, after trying to understand what all they are actually stating in a way we can understand.
So saying that, I want to thank you so much for this truth article that so many people need to understand. Never trust puppet governments on anything, especially Science and Medicine and drugs, actually anything they say period, start really looking into it it is another reason they want to remove our free speech and thoughts on our real problems. Fear the "Truth" they tell us.
Stop being afraid and victimized by them think for yourself like real science is still doing thankfully even though we should somehow find a way to really support them, as much as we need to really support our children and get them out of the lies and worse that they are forcefully teaching them. Most of us are good people and we all must stand up to this created horrible lying false mess they are making of our world.

By Jesse Brogan on 2023 03 07

Science yields an understanding of what is real; not truth. Ever since the 1920s, (Scopes Monkey Trial) our education of scientists has approached scientific truth as determined by a jury based on evidence. it yields misunderstandings accepted as truths, and lousy knowledge base for understanding what is real.

By Rob Moffatt on 2023 03 12

Law and policy don't need to be based in truth and fact. All that is required is to convince the masses that a lie is the truth.

The election process is a farce and fraud. These organized criminals and social terrorists pretending to be politicians stop representing and respecting those who bothered to show up for the charade the very minute the polls close. They then hop into bed with unelected lobbies, NGO and (ahem) "non profit charities" where our taxes are funneled in mass for "native advertising" (payola fraud) pieces in "social engineering" (eugenics) using "denormalization" (segregation and hate) tactics to "nudge" (bully) "behavior change" ("the science") under the guise of "protecting the children" (patent pending) pitting neighbor against neighbor completely destroying the very fabric of our once all inclusive society. Paid for by the very people they attack. "Honourable" and "Public Servant" are now oxymorons. We are then shut out, ignored and only viewed as cash cows to be milked and manipulated at the corrupt, incompetent elite's whim We are being divided and sub divided socially then pit against each other for political and financial profit

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