
Quick! Find something to exploit!

Bad news, Democrats. Terrorism is now - by far - the most important issue to voters

If you're a Democrat running for President, you're desperately hoping to find an issue that lets you divide American voters and pit them against each other. You think God is a hokey, outdated, concept so you're not praying, but you are wishing with all your might that some kind of exploitable social issue presents itself. You like to run on things like gay marriage, propping up unions, imaginary racism, and false claims of endemic police brutality. You don't like elections that hinge on things like national security and terrorism, so you're hoping the electorate is focusing on other matters.

As you can see, terrorism and national security are - by a very wide margin - preoccupying the minds of the voters. Given that the top Democrat candidate is largely seen as an untrustworthy former Secretary of State whose resume is a minefield of disastrous foreign policy failures, that doesn't bode well. Couple it with the fact that she can barely bring herself to utter the phrase "radical Islam" and the 'inevitable candidate' is looking at a recipe for electoral disaster. The party's runner-up fares even worse. He's a crazed geriatric socialist intent on convincing everyone that reducing the temperature of the Earth by .0001 degrees is the best way to defeat the ISIS jihadis. I'll admit Dems have done better at exploiting the Jobs/Economy category, which came in a distant second in this poll, but beyond that, things are bleak. Illegal immigration, reducing the national debt, and healthcare are all currently working against them, while the things they really care about (looking at you abortion) are basically non-factors. Yes, we know they're going to spend the next year trying to gin up outrage over something other than Islamic extremism. They're going to demonize the eventual GOP candidate and - as always - ignore real extremism in favor of an imaginary right-wing boogeyman. ...But given that they'll have to run on their record over the last eight years, that's going to be an awfully tough sell.

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Robert Laurie——

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