
Oral fatwa.

ISIS Sharia board: Kill babies with Down Syndrome

I was going to open this piece by asking how the left can possibly explain this away in its larger campaign to deny anything wrong is going on with Islam. Then I realized that was a completely ridiculous question. If the left has a problem with killing Down Syndrome babies as ISIS demands here, it would probably be for letting them be born in the first place. Doesn't ISIS know you can make more money by aborting them and selling the body parts? Someone get Cecile Richards in touch with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi so ISIS can get this right:

Iraqi activist group Mosul Eye says the ISIS Shar'ia Board issued a savage "oral fatwa (an Islamic term for a religious decree)" to its members authorising them to "kill newborn babies with Down's Syndrome and congenital deformities and disabled children". If true - and reports from the war-torn region are difficult to verify - it means ISIS has taken a leaf from the Nazis, who murdered disabled children it perceived to be a "burden on the state". Mosul Eye monitored the deaths of children with Down's Syndrome and other congenital deformities and discovered the fatwa was issued by one of Islamic States's Shar'ia judges, a Saudi judge named " Abu Said Aljazrawi.
This is hardly the first page ISIS has taken from the Nazis, nor is it an especially surprising development. I mean come on, these monsters have no hesitation whatsoever about beheading people, burning them alive in cages, drowning them or throwing them off rooftops. (They especially like to do that last one to gay people.) Why would anyone think they'd feel an ounce of compassion for a child with special needs? The kid probably can't even be taught to strap a bomb to himself so what good is he to the sacred jihad? But really, you mean to tell me there isn't a strain of thinking in this country that goes along the same lines? We won't kill already-born Down Syndrome babies because it's too hard to convince yourself you didn't do anything wrong. But abortion of a Down Syndrome baby? In liberal social circles, people get excoriated if they don't have the abortion. Maybe this is why Obama can't be bothered to wage any sort of real fight against ISIS. Maybe their worldview isn't as different from his as he would like us to believe.

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Dan Calabrese——

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