
What happens when you dare to think?

An open letter to Democrat voters and Republican voters

Just because you vote for Democrats does not mean you are or should vote Democrat for life. Similarly, voting Republican does not make you a Republican for life. Most of us are big-government liberals or small-government conservatives. However, once you leave the Democrat plantation by seeing the light, you usually become a voting Republican for a long long time.
I did! It started decades ago for all of the reasons that conservatives understand, but liberals deny. And liberals are in mega-denial as we approach the 2016 presidential demolition derby. Democrats, if you are still supporting Hillary Clinton for president because she is a woman, then you are hugely in denial of her lack of qualifications, or you are just plain stupid. As someone once said, you can't fix stupid. As my grandmother would say, "Bless your heart!” Yes, the United States of America is ready for a woman president, but not Hillary as president. Nor is it ready for the Hollywood liberals' second choice of Senator Elizabeth Warren. That's going from liberal to flaming liberal. But if you are open to the facts, you just might be a candidate to escape the Democrat plantation. In other words, you might be among the savable. I am encouraged by the fact that many callers to my radio show have been converted and they are not afraid to admit it! Congratulations! Republicans! Congratulations on taking control of the Senate in 2014 and increasing the number of Republicans in the House. But Republicans do not control the White House, which means they can only slow down the liberal onslaught of Obama and the Democrats. In other words, Republicans do not have the voting power to instantly negate the constitutional overreach of President Obama and his boot lickers, nor can they undo all of the damage to this country over the last six years caused by the Democrats.

The lack of understanding of this painful fact is where the stupid gene comes out in some Republican voters. Their expectations far exceed reality, and as a result, they say they are not going to support the Republicans and stay home in 2016. Now that's real stupid! Look at what it gave us six years ago. Yes, sometimes the Republicans in Congress are not bold enough, which frustrates me as much as other Republican voters. But! I am not going back to the Democrat plantation of denial, deception, dependency and stupidity! Nor! Am I going to get hooked on this fantasy of a viable third political party. Both major parties have spent decades making that possibility less and less possible with difficult legal hurdles to overcome. Republicans! We must be loud with our feedback when we have to, encouraging to those trying to herd the cats in Congress when they deserve it, and believe in this marathon endeavor of saving the American dream. It's not a sprint! But if we give up, it's the end of the fight. The Democrats will not have a hissy fit over this open letter like they did over the GOP's open letter to Iran. But this one might cause some Democrats to rethink why they vote Democrat, and rethinking is not allowed on the Democrat plantation! Or maybe it's all thinking that’s not allowed.

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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
