
Ben is outraged! Outraged, I tell you!

Bill Maher and Sam Harris educate Ben Affleck about Islam

On Friday night's edition of "Real Time with Bill Maher," the host had Ben Affleck - star of Gigli and Reindeer Games - as part of his discussion panel. The conversation quickly turned to the escalating threat of ISIS as well as Islam in general.

Maher, of course, is a long-time atheist who believes that all religion is detrimental to society - Christianity included. However, he's one of the few lefties who have been willing to acknowledge the stupidty of the idea that Christianity "is just as bad as Islam." To his very limited credit, he has repeatedly pointed out the sheer lunacy of pretending that modern Christianity and Islam are somehow on an equally shaky moral footing. He was joined by Bob Harris - an author, fellow atheist, and staunch proponent of secular humanism. He shares Maher's beliefs about religion in general, but also has a special disdain for Islam, which he calls "the mother lode of bad ideas." Together, Harris and Maher took on an outraged Affleck. The "Jersey Girl" star just couldn't believe what he was hearing. How dare such highly regarded liberals abandon the "all religion is the same" battle cry? How dare they acknowledge the realities of Islamists' global agenda? How dare they say things that are so obviously racist? Don't they know they're supposed to keep attacking Christians? Didn't they get the playbook? Affleck, you may recall, faced his own (idiotic) set of "Islamophobia" charges over his film Oscar-winning film "Argo." Perhaps he thinks this is the way to silence those claims. Hint: Those claims don't need to be silenced but, if they did, this wouldn't be the way to go about it...