
Make it stop.

Brutal: College student who wants free everything humiliated on Neil Cavuto

What happens when a pie-in-the-sky liberal, prattling on about social justice and all that sort of thing, actually gets challenged by someone who knows what he's talking about and knows how to ask the right questions in the right way? This. You can't help but feel badly for Keely Mullen. I know, she's asking for it by advocating such insanity and you've got to be ready to rumble when you go into the public square. But it's hard to watch anyone get humiliated this badly and not want to just tell the referee to stop the fight. You have to watch, though, because Cavuto really lays bare just how vapid the whole 1-percent-can-pay-for-everything nonsense really is:

The key to the whole thing is when Cavuto informs her that if you taxed the entire "1 percent" at 100 percent, all you would get is $1 trillion, which isn't even enough to fund Medicaid for three years. Her response: "I just don't believe that." Of course she doesn't. Because she can't believe it. If she realizes there are limits to what you can confiscate from other people for the purpose of giving free goodies to everyone else, then her whole concept of the world is left in tatters - not unlike her until a technical glitch mercifully ends the interview. (By the way, if any liberal accuses Fox of doing that on purpose, I would only say this: If they did, it was an act of mercy on their part.) I can't help but note two other refrains she keeps coming back to: 1. "There will always be a 1 percent." Well sure. That's true by definition. It's also irrelevant. The real question is whether it's either possible or sustainable to confiscate wealth from a segment of the population such that you can provide the things she wants - specifically free tuition and forgiveness of all debt - to any real degree. She's not only convinced of the nonsense about how much of the wealth is controlled by the "1 percent," but she also seems to believe that you could confiscate it from them as she proposes and it will never change the fact that they have it and you can just keep going and getting it from them. Bizarre. 2. "The U.S. is the bastion of capitalist success." This she offers as a reason for why there will always be plenty of wealthy people from whom to take the money, and yet it doesn't occur to her in the slightest that making the policy changes she wants, the U.S. essentially ceases to be a capitalist country. Oh well. I'm probably taking her way too seriously by even putting this much thought into her arguments. But if you really think there's a difference between what she believes and what Hillary and Bernie believe, I'd like to know exactly what that is.


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Dan Calabrese——

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