
. . . Trump is gaining, and 52 percent of Democrats are dissatisfied with the choices

CBS poll has Hillary up 47-41, but . . .

If you were excited about yesterday's Fox poll showing Trump up 45-42, and thus crestfallen to see this one, don't feel that way at all. For one thing, Fox and Rasmussen polls always show the Republican running stronger than polls put out by MSM sources. You want to believe a liberal outlet like CBS is tilting the scales by oversampling Democrats, and I absolutely believed they were doing that in 2012 to make Obama look stronger than he really was. On Election Night, I kicked myself for believing that and starting wrestling with the possibility that maybe we had become a center-left nation after all.
At any rate, the poll is better news for Trump than you think because the last CBS poll showed him down 10, so he's gained four points. This is being widely attributed to some sort of clinched-the-nomination bump, which is a phenomenon I don't recall in previous cycles, but maybe they just want to think Hillary's going to get one too once Bernie Sanders finally gives up the ghost. When you look deep into the poll numbers, though, here's the one I thought was most interesting:
Still, most voters are not content with the options of Clinton and Trump: while 46 percent of registered voters would be satisfied with that match-up, 52 percent want more choices. Most Republicans (55 percent) are satisfied, while most Democrats (52 percent) and independents (60 percent) are not. Eight in 10 Sanders supporters would like other choices.
So more Democrats are dissatisfied with the choices than Republicans. That is huge if only because it's so totally contrary to the popular narrative of Republicans pulling their hair out and going #NeverTrump, while Democrats coalesce around their inevitable smartest woman in the world - which of course is the biggest crock of s*** I've ever heard in my life. Republican primary voters who backed Cruz, Rubio, Kasich and others obviously did not prefer Trump, and many still don't want him, but you can see that the furor is dying down - never more so than yesterday when Mitt Romney finally accepted reality and abandoned the idea that someone could be recruited to run third-party.

So Republicans are coming to terms with things while Democrats are having a harder time with it. Why is that? I think a big factor is this: While Trump clearly has flaws, those flaws have been so obviously and comically oversold, it's getting hard to take a lot of it seriously. Trump is a racist sexist Hitler who will bring fascism to America! No. He's not. And Trump looks perfectly reasonable compared with some of his more hysterical critics - on both sides of the aisle. Meanwhile, Hillary's flaws (as if she has anything other than flaws) are being undersold by a media that's a) used to her being around; b) convinced her lies and corruption are "old news"; and c) in the tank for her because she's a Democrat. This could very well stir discontent among Democrats because anyone can see they're about to nominate an entitled, corrupt liar, but no one's really dealing with it in an honest way. A final note of caution about this and every other poll we're talking about right now: It's May. It's fricking May. The only thing any poll shows at this point is that no one has this thing wrapped up, and everything is going to ride on who runs the best campaign and best connects with the voters in the six long months ahead. Conventional wisdom is that Trump can't possibly do it, just as conventional wisdom said he couldn't possibly win the Republican nomination. Conventional wisdom also says that Hillary is "qualified, established, steady, prepared" and all that. Do you believe it? I don't think 52 percent of Democrats are dissatisfied with their choices for no reason.

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Dan Calabrese——

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