
An Open Letter to America: We Were Conned

Cons, Tells and the Immortals

By Guest Column Greg Easley——--September 11, 2010

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Some of us saw it coming. Some of us were duped. Those who saw it coming may not have predicted the level of duplicity and treachery that was coming. Those who were duped are either still in total denial, mortified, or just plain embarrassed for being so gullible. Regardless of how you think and feel now, Our Nation has been betrayed. It was deliberate. If you dispute this, then you are a fool. The Tells are all around you. They are unmistakable, irrefutable and damning Our Nation on all fronts.

Every citizen of the United States should be horrified at what is happening to Our Nation. It is not just the current Democratic administration that seeks our blood; it started long before Obama was selected to finish us off - by his puppet masters like the CFR, George Soros and the Saudi Princes. It is not the action of just the liberals but of the Republicans as well, those moderates who forgot the principles of their origin, their oath to the Nation and their God. At this moment we must address the charlatan, Barack Hussein Obama. He is a manufactured Communist, trained and mentored by Marxist fundamentalists like Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour and Carl Davidson. And there is his 20+ years in the congregation of the Marxist Black Liberation theologist Rev. Jeremiah "not God Bless America. God damn America" Wright. If you missed these Tells, you did so deliberately, to yourself and Our Nation. They taught you how and why and when to be useful to them. They taught you how to be permanently angry, permanently ignorant, permanently indoctrinated and permanently dependent on their guile and their "generosity of re-distributed wealth" stolen from others who actually earned it. At this moment, it serves little purpose to dwell on what happened before 2008 because what is happening right now is the grand Tell and grand peril of all time, the culmination of years of Left wing socialist plots and One World Order groups dismantling Our Nation, one fragment at a time. If you still believe in the progressive Democratic Party, then you have already been marginalized into irrelevancy from a viable free thinking patriot to Our Nation.


The deliberate act of committing controversy, or defrauding and deceiving individuals or groups, by individuals, governments or institutions comprised of individuals or groups who cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything on any given day, to any given audience, at any given moment or crisis. The victims are people whose radar is either turned off or their connections to their receiving units (brains) are clogged up with fantasy, greed for getting something for nothing, or the belief that the guy next door will do your bidding for you while you watch reality shows and stuffing your face with potato chips or are just too busy playing video games, texting your friends about your latest broken heel or giving a damn about Lindsey Lohan's latest stupid human trick. You are made powerless by choice or propaganda.


Are those perfectly obvious, but mysteriously ignored clues clouded by distractions, smoky tricks, blame, the galactically stupid liberal media, Marxists pundits and their union protestors. "Where there is smoke, there is fire" kinds of things that should raise immediate suspicion as your olfactory nerves begin to revolt from the stench of deceit that stains your mind, your heart, your soul, and your hair if you have any left.


That which cannot be killed and that which cannot be ignored as in: the plain, simple," it is all over your face and stuck to your teeth" Truth.


Governments by nature are all corrupt. They are corrupt because they are festered by humans who have, naturally, a deep-seated need for survival and gratification through power and its incessant greed. There are many components driving these needs but one undeniable one is the need to be accepted. To be accepted means to be known privately and publicly as a success. Success for politicians is defined as the power to control. The more, the better. Each of us will know a similar kind of need from the time we are able to walk until the end of our lives. Most people arrive at the realization, at one incredible moment in their lives, that other people are paying attention to them. That their actions are being reviewed and judged. That their elemental value is being measured by everyone around them. It is for many, a very freighting moment. It usually comes as a moment of embarrassment for a faux pas or from adulation for an achievement. When it is embarrassment, it is humiliating and never forgotten. It could be just that first moment when a boy spots a girl and for the first time feels the stirring in his complete being that he needs her to recognize him, to find him attractive, valuable, and necessary in her life, only to be ignored by her. It could be a moment in academics, athletics or music when a child wins an award for excellence and realizes that everyone is staring at him or her and comes to the startling revelation that these people will have expectations of him or her that may exceed the child's inner most belief in their own ability or intelligence. It could just be general feelings of inadequacy caused by many environmental situations at home or school. These moments are never forgotten. Every new attempt at achievement is haunted by the memory and, for many, causes an unceasing desire to prove oneself over and over with increasing desperation. Each failure to achieve the desired goal of self esteem, peer acceptance and power over one's own demons accelerates the effort and the rising desperation to conquer our own shamed inner self. Acceptance is the universal goal and that of our parents is an insatiable life long quest. That of our peers can be destructive if one fails to "make the grade". Those who enter politics with a belief system that's built on a driving need to be accepted, rather than the goal to serve people, a state or nation, become victims of their own egocentric actions. Corruption is born of this, as the failures pile up in meeting one's goals, it becomes easier after each failure to compromise one's morals and ethics in exchange for the power and acceptance that craves the satiation of the addiction of one's own self loathing. Case in point: pbs.org

The Cons

Notable Cons perpetrated by our current Federal government on America: Their diversions of blaming everyone else for their failures in order to conceal that "the failure" is their real intent. Refusing to secure our borders is such a diversion. Accusing Arizona of racism in order to incite protests and boycotts is intended to hide and distract from the fact that there is no intent to secure our nation. A sleight-of-hand Con right in your face. These Cons are just some of those Americans have recognized and find intolerable. They all have the same components. A promise that is broken or a betrayal of trust to Our Nation. Of Obama, various examples abounded during the 2008 Presidential campaign, while on trips abroad, secret deals with foreign nations or institutions like the UN, phony legislation that is sold as one thing but is really another, back room deals for votes, pork, paybacks to lobbyist, corporations, unions, and lawyers. His most used; the public speaking distractions while others work feverously in the background against Our Nation grinding out purposeful legislation to destroy us while Obama gleefully performs live, inciting deceit, racism and more broken promises of some lofty but faulty cure-all for what ails America. The Cons are the stories told to cover up the real intent: ultimate power and the control of America. A classic example is Nancy Pelosi's comment: "We'll have to pass the bill so we can find out what's in it". This is probably in the top 20 of the most egregiously stupid remarks ever made by a senior member of Congress in the last 40 years. Liberal supporters may have thought it was humorous, but anyone with half a brain knew it was only a distraction to avoid telling everyone that she knew exactly what was in the Health Care bill and most of us would puke when we learned the actual details which, by the way, are a moving target and will continue to be so for the rest of our lifetimes. What she was really saying is; "when you do find out what is in this bill, it will be too late for your miserable souls!" The Con and the Tell, in one simple remark by The Speaker of the House of your Congress. An outright lie by one of the most irresponsible people in America. And half the country bought it! The other half tried to stop it!

The Tells

The Tells are anything you notice that doesn't feel right and if you are more than 5 years old this sense is developed enough. Tells appear as: a single word, a person that is too pushy or fast talking, someone that won't answer questions, offering something too good to be true, something for nothing to get your vote or your check, asking for more than it seems worth, saying "trust me", "would I lie to you", "your neighbor just bought one" or "let me be clear". Cons are more treacherous when they come from those we choose to admire or worship. The rich, the powerful, the famous, the beautiful, the successful actor or athlete. Anyone we don't even know, passing themselves off as worthy of our trust. We do this because we have our own self esteem issues. We allow ourselves to be taken by them by seeking to gain their acknowledgement or live through them vicariously. Our worship of the powerful is our downfall repeatedly because no one can stand the rigors of the pedestal indefinitely. And yet as each one disappoints and falls off, we just pick another to elevate to god-like status. We never learn because we "need" them. Their power intoxicates us with fantasy; their failures make us feel better about ourselves. We are willing victims of the unworthy from our own misguided worship and the degree of our own sense of self worth. We are dumbed-down by our own hand because we lack the same esteem that they lack, but additionally the power to tame them from the elevated heights of the pedestal we placed them on to begin with. Our worship denies our own common sense and blinds us to the Tells until it is too late to restrain the damage they will do.

The Immortals

Truth is the immortal of all time. It cannot be tainted by any evidence. It is what it is. Truth is revealed as the result of success. It is revealed as the result of failure. The two are distinguishable from each other. Not everyone will see the truth. Not everyone will use the truth. Some will hide or deny the truth. Fools believe they are the truth. When the truth hits us in the face, we have two choices. Learn from the damage our mistaken trust invoked or repeat the mistake over and over until we are arrested, destroyed personally, academically or professionally. Truth is both the final judge and the final verdict. Truth is the Immortal.

The Essentials of Truth

Humans cannot know everlasting truth because we are imperfect. We only experience truth infrequently in others and ourselves. There is little truth in institutions. We should not worship others because they can never master our expectations. It is contradictory to find contentment when power is abused, forced or bartered. It is contradictory to find truth in government. It is denial to believe that evil is truth without limit. It is foolish to deny rather than to seek your own truth.

Their Truth

People like Barrack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have achieved nothing in their lifetimes that could satisfy their longing for immortality and acceptance until they passed what they deemed as the "Historic" health care bill. According to them it was historic because no one has ever been able to do it before and therefore these people have earned historic recognition. It is a Con. The Tell is the obvious damage it will do to America as they lied, bribed and distracted repeatedly to get it passed. The Tell is also the fact that more intelligent minds prevented it before. It is historic - as historically flawed as they could possibly make it as the product of their historically flawed Marxist ideology and their historically flawed progressive perversion of truth and their historically flawed need to be stroked or honored by the One World Order demigods. It was historically the most criminal American legislative act of all time. It is the product of people whose self-esteem is so lacking that they sold out their entire nation for one moment of glory and the adulation of the citizens that were dumb enough to believe them and the momentary satisfaction of ramming it down everyone else's throat. The Tells were all around for everyone to see, for anyone with enough self-esteem to see, yet too many fell for the Cons. And they are still laughing at the believers, while endeavoring silently to cram some idiotic version of Cap and Trade down our throats tomorrow. Quite an achievement for three people that were going to "clean out the swamp". I guess they meant us because now we are the inhabitants of the swamp they have created for us to die in. Accordingly, they will not rescue us because they think us unworthy. They are on the pedestal we built for them. We are less worthy than they are because we believed the Cons, ignored the Tells and found Immortal truth in our unjustified worship of them instead of our belief in ourselves, our endeavors and our nation's legacy. We "deserve" their "gifts" to us as slaves to their monarchy. They only did what they did to get acceptance for their own pathetic needs. Guiltless Power, Wealth and Respect from their peers and their slaves. At last they are superior and their parents will finally say to them: "You did good, we are proud of you." Their sycophants will come running with tingly legs, more money for their pockets and more adulation for their power.
  • They destroyed a nation for a quick fix to their pitiful self-esteem. And we let them, even cheered them on!
  • Each time we fight back, they become desperate and vitriolic.
  • They call us racists, Uncle Toms, far-right radicals or fascists.
  • They attack everything that any human has ever regarded sacred.
  • They hate our religion, our desire for a valid education, our free thought and our traditions.
  • They hate America as free-world leader and prefer, no intend, to reduce her to a subservient third world nation.
  • They hate you, even if you are as progressively screwed up as they are because you are not one of them. You are not a member of the progressive Marxist elite. To them you are simply the walking dead.

Your Truth

You don't belong to their alliance no matter what color you are, how rich you may be or how liberal you may be. They need slaves to do their bidding while they sit in luxury: like Barrack and Michelle Obama do on their vacations. They don't take trips that would benefit Americans, just themselves and their rich commie friends. They go places where they can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars in just a few days and to get their marching orders from their handlers. No, you are not like them: you don't measure up and you will pay for their lifestyle one way of the other. You are not immortal because they destroy your truth by destroying your legacies and your wealth from endeavor and scholarship. They deceive and enslave you with social justice, tainted history, abortion, food stamps, prejudice and class warfare. You have been marginalized for extinction when your duty is done. Or you can rise up as patriots by your sovereign right as council and Lord of your own destiny and endeavor.

This Moment of Truth

Commit to memory; that without slaves and worshipers, they are nothing. No way to get their mojo tweaked because they use their talent for nothing else. If no one worships them, they sink into oblivion. They are sinking now, which is the new Tell. Their desperation to save their empire of corruption mirrors that insidious moment in their memory that haunts their very identity and self contempt. They are liars and frauds and will stop at nothing to force their will on you. If you worship them still, then you are fools as your Immortal truth has been stolen right before your eyes. Denial will not save you. Further worship will not save you. You will be cast aside as worthless without notice. It is time to kill their immortality for all time. Their insanity of totalitarianism, their vile rhetoric and hatred for our religion, our law and Our Nation must be stopped in November. If it is not, we will not get another chance to save America and our own individual selves. There will be no more voting, no more America, no more real truth and no immortality for you or your children; just bondage and misery bound by endless betrayal. For those of you who think your one vote just doesn't count, you are not a patriot; you are not an American. You will earn your just reward when your house is stolen, when your 401k or pension is stolen, when your job is given to an illegal, when your gun rights are stolen, when your free speech is stolen and your when religion is trashed by the unholy alliance of the self-righteous god hating morons that you helped put into power by defaulting on your responsibility as an American to vote your authority with honor. This is a war for Our Nation. Millions have died for you. Thousands are fighting for you right now whether you believe in it or not. The soldiers of America did not start the wars. Your Congress started them. Support our warriors or forfeit your right to complain. If you don't like war, then you better join the fight to Take Back Our Country from your Marxists governors or YOU will be in the trenches for eternity to fend for yourselves against the UN and your own Congress.

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Do you want to be taxed to death for the rest of your life. Supporting illegals, people who won't work, a bureaucracy you can't control passing laws you want no part of?
  • Do you want America managed by the UN, telling you whether you can own a gun, deport illegals, speak your mind, worship as you please or which laws you can pass?
  • Do you want to be subjugated to bankers and One World Order groups like Western Europe and South America?
  • Do you want government telling you where you can live, where you can work and how much money you can make. Do you want government telling you, if, and what kind of business you can start or buy?
  • Do you want government controlling your children's minds through education and their very lives through health care?
  • Do you want our soldiers to protect you against our enemies or become one of our enemies?
  • Do want elected officials serving their own special interests and the UN, or the nation's sovereignty and interests?
  • Do you want government taking all your hard earned money when you die?
  • Do you want to live in a Communist country like Cuba, China, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam?
  • Do you want Islamic Shariah Law governing America?
  • Do you want politicians serving you, your town, your state and your country?
  • Do you want to choose your own lifestyle, educational pursuits, hobbies, home town, friends, jobs, the car you will drive, the home you will buy, media, sports and religion?
  • Do you want to travel freely in America, vote for whom you please, retire when you are ready, go hunting and fishing, learn to fly a plane or write a book?
  • Do you want your children to have the same or better life than you have had?
  • Can you think of any legitimate reason why America should be submissive to any other government, organization or country

If You Want America to be Free and Strong

We need public servants that will honor their oath to defend Our Constitution and Our Nation. Begin in 2010 by voting out all progressive Democrats, all RINOS and all DINOS. Remove these specific avowed Marxists from Our Congress: gatewaypundit.firstthings.com Engage or stand aside to be lost in the Immortal truth of oblivion, granted by your consent to be enslaved by those who are not worthy. Engage the legacy of our Founding Fathers and restore what is rightfully yours: The Immortal Truth of Freedom and Our Republic. Greg is a professional Information Technology Analyst and a devout political conservative concerned about the destiny of The United States of America and the free world. He is a member of the Tea Party Patriots and publisher of his own web site The 4th Awakening. The site features his own commentaries and important political news items posted daily. Greg lives in the Atlanta, Georgia area and is looking forward to retirement in the woods. Greg can be reached at: gdeasley@bellsouth.net

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