
Until we start building up America instead of tearing it down, we will continue to be a country in decline, sinking into poverty, despair, civil unrest and moral corruption.

Creating Jobs?

By Guest Column Allen Kesselring——--September 16, 2011

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I am amazed at the constant reference to “creating” jobs by President Obama, the Congress and the media. The idea that the government can take some kind of action to “create” jobs and by doing so, fix the current economic problems of the Unites States is totally ridiculous. I cannot believe any person of even marginal intelligence can make these statements or believe someone who makes them.
First of all, the Government is already deeply in debt and has no money to use to “create” very many jobs. To create jobs, the Government would need to develop some modern day versions of the old depression era WPA programs which it does not have the funds for, or come up with new technologies that would create new industries. Even if the Government could create some jobs, certainly it would not enough to make a dent in the current unemployment rate. Obama’s proposal to fund infrastructure improvements may put some construction workers back to work but it is not going to benefit a major portion of the unemployed work force. Creating new industries is an almost impossible task and will not provide any short term solution as it takes considerable time for a new industry to develop. We don’t need to “create” jobs. We need to get back all of the jobs we have lost or threw away. Our Government’s policies in the last 20 years have sent American jobs overseas at an increasing rate. Electronics jobs went to Japan and automobile jobs to Mexico and Canada. The pace of job exports tremendously accelerated when President Clinton gave China “favored trading nation” status. At that point, the dam broke and a huge number of American jobs left the country. Ross Perot’s earlier statement about a “huge sucking sound as American jobs leave the country” finally came true. The Government hasn’t stopped yet, as the recent discussion about letting Mexican truck lines run freight into the U.S. indicates. If unemployment is not high enough already, why not put some American truckers out of work too.

It doesn’t take a fancy education at Harvard or years of experience in Congress to see why the American economy is bordering on another depression and unemployment rates remain high. All you have to do is get out of Saks and other stores for the people with more money than they know what to do with and head on down to the stores where most of America shops, like Sears, Penney’s, Wal-Mart, Target, etc. Take a stroll through these stores, picking up merchandise and looking to see where it is made. You will find clothes from Pakistan, Indonesia, India and Mexico, food from Thailand, Mexico, Chile and just about everything from China. For a real challenging game, give yourself one hour and see how many items you can find that are made in the U.S. You will not need a shopping cart to load them up. I have heard the economic theory that goods should be produced where it is most economical and it seems that our Government and economic wizards have bought into this theory and have been busily implementing as fast as possible. It sounds good on paper when you hold high government office or are a big time university professor with tenure. It does not look so good or work so well if you are an ordinary person who works for a living since it is your job that the Government is sending overseas. I have heard our leaders defend this theory with the argument that having goods produced outside the U.S. makes products more affordable for our citizens. The flaw in the argument is that if you do not have a job or are frying burgers somewhere because your good paying job went overseas, you don’t have the money to buy the goods at any price. The theory benefits only the minority whose good jobs still have not been eliminated. Again, it does not take a high level big name education to understand that the almost three hundred million Americans are not all going to become doctors, lawyers, engineers or politicians. A realistic look at the population will show that there is a minority who has the intelligence, education and skill to work in upscale positions not easily exportable overseas. However, a majority of the population has the ability to work in skilled or semi-skilled jobs which can be exported. Even if their job itself is not exported, the product itself can be exported causing their employer to go out of business or scale down. You don’t need a supervisor or an accounting clerk anymore when the company employing them stops making products and shuts down. Even high tech employees, like computer programmers, are not safe and have seen their jobs exported to India

We need to stop importing almost everything we use and start supporting the production of goods in America

We need to stop importing almost everything we use and start supporting the production of goods in America. We need government policies to encourage business to develop manufacturing again and to limit or restrict the importation of goods that are important to the success of America. If our overseas trading partners are unhappy with this, that is unfortunate. We need to start making decisions that are good for America first. If they also benefit others, that is ok. If not, that is too bad. We need to go back to our history books and learn history’s lessons. Countries that are your friends today, may be your enemies tomorrow. The main reason Americans are not speaking German or Japanese as our national language now is because America had manufacturing capability in World War Two that the world could not even imagine. History shows that we went into the war with second rate weapons and poorly trained and equipped troops. It took us most of the war years to develop the technology, weapons and quality of troops needed to win. What kept us in the game until that happened was our ability to manufacture ships, planes, tanks and other weapons faster than the Germans and Japanese could blow them up. If you don’t believe me, study your World War II history. Check out subjects like the U-boat battle of the Atlantic, the battle of Kasserine Pass, the Bataan Death March, Omaha beach on D-day, the battle of Salvo Island. We were not winning, we were losing. We do not have that manufacturing capability today, and if we were to need it, we will not have the time to develop it. If another world war began today, our troops might have to fight naked and using sticks and stones because boots, uniforms, knives and other equipment are made overseas and the countries that make them might either be aligned with our enemies or be taken over by them.

On the current path being established by our Government, American will soon no longer be a major world power

On the current path being established by our Government, American will soon no longer be a major world power and will sink to the level of a third world country with wide spread poverty, a failed economy, a bankrupt government and a dependence on other countries for support. That is going to be a tough scenario for many Americans to accept after being a big dog in the world for so long. We already have over thirty million of our citizens living at or below the poverty level, major cities crumbling, rampant drug problems, criminal gangs infesting our cities, millions of citizens without adequate heath care and the infrastructure in need of major improvements. The average family income has decreased to levels of 10 to 20 years ago but with increasing costs of living and there is every indication is that the situation will continue to get worse. This is a civilization in decline and if something is not changed, you may get to read a book called “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire.” If we want to have a strong economy, high standard of living and a great country, we need to make some serious and often difficult decisions. We need to put America and its people first in our decision making. We need a Government that can maintain a balanced budget, govern for the good of America instead of for special interest groups, other countries or specific states, prioritize spending and decision making to address issues of importance to all citizens instead of certain groups, secure our borders and enforce our laws fairly and fully. Until we start building up America instead of tearing it down, we will continue to be a country in decline, sinking into poverty, despair, civil unrest and moral corruption. Allen Kesselring is a middle-class, decorated US Air Force Vietnam veteran. My father and several close relatives are decorated career military veterans. I am proud to be an American. I am employed as the Service Manager for a company that manufactures water flow meters of large commercial cooling systems. I want America to be strong economically and militarily, with a Government that provides equal opportunity for all of our citizens to live a productive life with a good secure job, good medical care and freedom from fear of crime and terrorism.

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