
Class warfare wasn't his thing

Democrat Congressman Keith Ellison: Dishonoring the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The mainstream media somehow managed to miss the demonstrations held April 4 – the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination – in favor of the so-called “Robin Hood Tax.” I only learned about the planned demonstrations in 22 cities after I was asked to comment on the proposed tax on the Fox Business News show “Varney and Company,” which prompted me to do some research to know what this was about.
Well, I discovered that this was about class warfare. The demonstrations and the proposed tax were initiated by U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota). He has introduced an actual bill to tax all Wall Street transactions to provide a pool of money to help those, mostly minorities, who have not achieved financial success. The bill is HR 1579, the “Inclusive Prosperity Act of 2013”. When Stuart Varney asked me what I thought of this tax, I said the bill is simply a class warfare attack on those who represent financial success – and it dishonors the memory of Dr. King, because he did not preach class warfare. I also stated that Congressman Ellison and his "duck" followers are working on the wrong problem in the wrong way. They should be trying to help improve high school and college graduation rates for blacks and other minorities, so they can one day work on Wall Street and own parts of Wall Street.

Dr. King preached equal rights, equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law and access to a good education

Since Representative Ellison is trying to make this about color by dragging the memory of Dr. King into his dishonorable demonstrations, he might have noticed that the high school graduation rate for white students in this country is 83 percent compared with 66 percent for black students. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among blacks is now over 70 percent, which is more than twice the national average for white babies. Oh! Did he and his followers forget that the black unemployment and underemployment rates far exceed those of whites in this country? Maybe these and other facts have something to do with failed economic policies of the Obama administration. Oh, I know, blame Bush! Even though they were getting better under Bush, whereas they are getting worse under an Obama administration at a faster rate. Do the math! If he and his followers would look at the facts, then they could do the math and they might conclude that it makes more sense to work on the right problem. But that doesn't fit the Democrat political narrative. For them it's all about ignoring the facts, and focusing on the race card and class warfare. For those who do not know me, I am a proud American Black Conservative, and I am personally sick of this kind of crap! It tries to take advantage of the most vulnerable and gullible in our society by pandering to their ignorance of how to really succeed in America, and feeding some people's victim mentalities. Dr. King preached equal rights, equal opportunity, equal treatment under the law and access to a good education. He was an early admission student to Morehouse College because of his quest for knowledge and wisdom, and eventually earned his Doctorate Degree to become Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He changed the nation and the world, and he did not get there by trying to take from those who had succeeded. He fought for a level playing field for all of God's children. As many of us have moved forward in this fight, some people are holding others back with ill-conceived demonstrations. Dr. King did not fight or die for a new tax. Please! His memory deserves more respect than that. Some of us understand that.

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Herman Cain——

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