
And I'm talking bear-selfie stupid

Democrats can only get away with this crap if you and I are willfully stupid

2014 was a year of insulting the intelligence of the voters by the Democrats. They have consistently assumed that we are stupid, and they have gotten away with it to some degree – not entirely, of course as the mid-term election results showed – because most of the mainstream media were not doing their jobs and holding them accountable. We were a nation of crises in 2014, and now the Democrats and the MSM hope we will not remember those crises going into 2015. They may not remember or report on these crises, but we will!
Consider some examples:


Throughout the year, honest people who did nothing more than try to follow the law found that ObamaCare had turned their health coverage into a nightmare. I will never forget the woman with an auto-immune disease who bought a plan through Covered California only to find that no doctor would accept the plan. With an infection developing, her antibiotics gone and her symptoms getting worse, she had no idea where she could go to see a doctor. In the midst of all this, Democrats and their media allies actually attacked the people who lost their coverage or whose new coverage didn’t meet their needs. There was Harry Reid, declaring: “There's plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue. But they are being told all over.” I do not know how that man sleeps at night. Meanwhile, they tried their best to pretend they don’t know Jonathan Gruber after the MIT academic was caught calling the American people stupid, and letting us all know that the Democrats’ belief in the stupidity of the American people had everything to do with ObamaCare being rammed through Congress.

That was a pretty hard case to make when there are also videos of Democrats just a few years ago celebrating Gruber’s role in crafting ObamaCare. Tell me again who’s stupid?

The IRS Scandal

The media declared during the summer of 2013 that the scandal had “fizzled,” which was just their way of saying they didn’t want to cover it because it was bad for Democrats. But that became impossible as we learned more about the depth of the scandal and it’s clearly political nature. Obama’s declaration that the actions of the IRS involved “not even a smidgen” of corruption became a national punchline, but Democrats did their best to operate as if the statement was the truth.

Race Relations

You’d think that six years after electing our first black president, race relations would be improving. You’d think that. But you’d be wrong. And here’s why: The left is addicted to race, and to the idea that racism is behind every criticism against them or their ideas. They have to cry racism, whether it is present or not, because that’s how they rile up a significant portion of their base. In this way, Democrats have created a poisonous environment for those who wish to criticize Obama on the merits of his policies. It doesn’t matter how substantive your disagreement is. Some Democrat will claim it’s racist. (And yes, I do tend to escape some of it because I’m also black, but I also get my share of “Uncle Tom” accusations from people who do not think black people should be free to think for themselves.) It should be no surprise, then, that we saw riots in the aftermath of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner deaths, largely involving people who didn’t even know the facts of the cases in question. Democrats created the environment that seeks to turn everything into a racial matter, so what did they think would happen? These are just a few examples, but they demonstrate how consistently Democrats resort to narratives that you would simply have to be an idiot to believe. Why do they do that? Because they think we are stupid! And some of us are, because it is easier than being informed. I know technically we are talking about "ignorance" rather than "stupidity", but stupid works better for discussion purposes. We live in a dangerous world. It's not just because of the threats of terrorism or pip-squeak-potentates. It’s because nearly 50 percent of the voters are easily deceived by politicians or they are just plain clueless and don't care. That's the danger! The historical patriarchs of this great nation knew this new stupidity might happen. Benjamin Franklin suspected it when he answered a lady from Philadelphia when asked, "What have you given us?" He said, “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Abraham Lincoln said, "I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crises. The great point is to bring them the real facts." And one of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s least mentioned quotes, uttered in 1963: "There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance, or conscientious stupidity." Yep, some people are working conscientiously at being stupid. That's why we must save the savable in order to save the greatest nation in the world. It can be done but we have a lot of work to do in this digital age of information. And, we have not made much progress in the last ten years. We are all up against the digital speed of information, political deceit, and a severe lack of leadership integrity. It was shocking and disappointing when I took a closer look at my book, "They Think You're Stupid," written 10 years ago, because little if anything has changed! The historical aspects have certainly not changed, and most of the problems have not changed. With the help of some very capable members of Team Cain, we have made it easier for people to not be stupid. But if you work at being uninformed and clueless, then we can't help you. Enjoy the bliss of ignorance and dependency on Uncle Sam. The Herman Cain Radio Show is available daily 24/7. All you need is a digital device of any kind, or you can listen to the show live weekdays 9-noon EST. The focus of the show is to tell people the truth, give them the facts about what's in the news, and help them connect the dots about what it means to them and the nation. The HermanCain.com website does the same thing in written form, and includes some of the radio show audio highlights. Content is added multiple times during the day because of the ever-unfolding nature of what's happening in the world and the nation. Facebook and Twitter provide a quick link back to the website. The HermanCainChannel.com is informative, inspiring and funny video. It's TV without the commercials (subscription-based) and you get to choose the episodes you want to watch on various topics. Best Advice, Small Business, Management, Politics and Just for Fun are some of the topics I present that you will not find anywhere else. These are real-time resources. This book is a historical snapshot in time. You can have both with a minimal amount of time out of your day. It's worth the investment or our grandchildren will suffer the consequences. I'll be 70 this year, and things have not gotten any better in the last ten years. In the next ten years, let's make some major changes we can be proud of for the future of this nation. If we don't, then we are stupid.


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Herman Cain——

Herman Cain’s column is distributed by CainTV, which can be found at Herman Cain
