
So much crazy packed into three minutes!

Enjoy this 'greatest hits' compilation of Nancy Pelosi's most incoherent ramblings

Sure. We've all heard Nancy Pelosi say something kooky. Practically every time she steps up to a microphone something ridiculous flops out of her mouth, so her crackpot ramblings aren't really shocking anymore. It's pretty much a mathematical certainty that - by now - you've heard her say something incredibly stupid.

However, you usually access Pelosi's bizarre behavior in dribs and drabs. You get a sentence here, a phrase there, or an awkward stare every now and then. It's enough to tell you something's wrong, but it doesn't really portray the full, magnificent, scope of her incoherence. In an effort to provide a portrayal of Ms. Pelosi that will do the former Speaker justice, the folks at Roll Call have assembled a "greatest hits" collection. The video below is cobbled together from various press conferences and it is, in a word, brilliant. Keep in mind; these clips are ALL from the first half of 2014. Enjoy.


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Robert Laurie——

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