
A Call to Duty and Action

Feinstein's Cronyism Punishes Homeless Veterans

Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans: This is a call to duty and action.
Our Veterans need your support to block a Federal District Judgeship recommended by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein who continues to reward her rich cronies at the expense of disabled homeless Veterans in Los Angeles Feinstein Rewards Rich Cronies at The Expense of Homeless Veterans When you sort through the bullet-pointed summary and timeline in the article, you can see how Sen. Feinstein has really done a number on Veterans with her backroom wheeling and dealing, all the while lying that this land must be used for Veterans only.

We're garnering rapid support for the attached Resolution and would appreciate if you could reach out to your organizations for support. In addition, please send this to all your trusted news sources and request that they investigate Sen. Feinstein's abuse of power and her aiding and abetting in the misappropriation of Veterans property, including political payback for a Federal District Judgeship to the U.S. Attorney who fought against disabled homeless Veterans and their legally deeded land in Los Angeles. Fellow American Patriots need to unify and block this sinister and duplicitous Judgeship nomination, then the publicity will finally expose all the crime and corruption of Sen. Feinstein and her cronies and blow wide open this shameful assault on war-injured and impoverished Veterans. This is criminal in the worst sense and requires Congressional, FBI and Grand Jury Investigations. Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well. Thanks for your support Old Veterans Guard

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