
Because the "truly well off" just pick money off trees

Hillary: It's OK that Bill and I are rich because unlike some we did it through 'dint of hard work'

Hey, you think it's easy traveling around and giving all those $200,000 speeches? That's hard work! You think it's easy working with your "book team" to "write" a book that provides no information whatsoever? You try to fill 600-plus pages with utter nonsense. She earns her money!
In an interview with Britain's Guardian newspaper, Clinton was asked whether she could be a credible champion for fighting income inequality in the United States despite her wealth. “But they don’t see me as part of the problem,” she told the paper, “because we pay ordinary income tax, unlike a lot of people who are truly well off, not to name names; and we’ve done it through dint of hard work.” The Guardian wrote that Clinton let off “another burst of laughter” in answering the question, suggesting that she found the question “painful.” Clinton and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, have earned well over $100 million giving paid speeches and writing books since leaving the White House in 2001. Clinton’s quote could be interpreted in multiple ways. Rather than suggesting that she is not “truly well off,” she may be counting herself among the “truly well off” but saying that she, unlike other multimillionaires, pays “ordinary income tax.” A Clinton spokesman did not respond to a request for clarification of her remarks.

The obvious howler here is her insistence that, hey, they pay "ordinary income tax" (as if other rich people don't) while they're doing everything they can to avoid paying the estate taxes they demand others pay. But let's look a little more deeply into what she's saying. Apparently people who earn a lot of money are "part of the problem," unless, you understand, they pay "ordinary income taxes." So the real problem with people who earn a lot of money, in Hillary's world, is that they're depriving the government of the opportunity to grab it. So much is wrong with this, it's hard to know where to begin. For one thing, people who earn above the 50th percentile in this country pay almost all the taxes. The notion that Bill and Hillary are somehow special because they earn a lot and still pay taxes is about as ludicrious as a thing can be. By the way, Hillary knows this. She is simply lying when she utters crapola like this. But even more fundamentally, it is the height of economic idiocy to suggest that rich people represent a "problem" for everyone else unless they pay income taxes, in which case it's perfectly OK. I'm all for everyone paying the taxes they legitimately owe, but paying taxes is hardly the best thing you can do with the large amounts of money you make. Dollars you invest in productive endeavors do the country a lot more good than dollars you send to politicians like Hillary Clinton. Oh, and by the way, if giving $200,000 speeches and writing horrible books represents "hard work" in Hillary's mind, I'd love to know how she thinks other rich people make their money, and why she thinks the work they do is not as hard as the self-aggrandizing nonsense that passes for work in her personal fantasyland.

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Dan Calabrese——

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