
Don't challenge the anointed one.

Hillary surrogate Granholm on potential challenger O'Malley: 'He better watch out'

I sort of hate to horn in and do this on a day when Rob and his lovely wife are galavanting around on Rahm's mean streets. Ripping on Jennifer Granholm is sort of his territory, and no one does it better. But I did say I'd cover for him, and one never knows what duty will require of us.
I sort of hate to horn in and do this on a day when Rob and his lovely wife are galavanting around on Rahm's mean streets. Ripping on Jennifer Granholm is sort of his territory, and no one does it better. But I did say I'd cover for him, and one never knows what duty will require of us. So when the most inept governor in Michigan's long and not-so-storied political history pokes her head out of the ground and speaks on behalf of Hillary Clinton, there are several reasons you need to know about it. One is simply so you understand the judgment Hillary shows in empowering certain people to speak for her. Hey. I had to live through the infamous "lost decade" Granholm gave us too. The highest unemployment in the nation. Our biggest industry begging Congress for a bailout. Perennial budget crises. People fleeing the state in droves (a trend that has now reversed under Republican Rick Snyder). Those of us who hung in there are glad we did, because Michigan is our home. But dang, when Jennifer Granholm was governor, this place was an abject disaster. In fact, it was so bad that once she was no longer governor, even she left. So when you see this clip, keep in mind the type of person Hillary Clinton is comfortable having serve as her surrogate on national television - a complete, blithering, incompetent fool. But even more so, pay attention to what she says in this ignominious 16 seconds of foolishness:

You got that, Martin O'Malley? You better watch out. If you challenge the self-anointed queen, the fleeting opportunity she might bestow upon you to serve in the inevitable Hillary administration will be yanked away. And what might happen to you instead? Hmmm. Good question. Better watch out, mister. The subtext is obvious: Hillary has the power and influence. Hillary has the money. Hillary holds the keys to your futures, Democrats, and apostasy will not be looked upon kindly. Jennifer Granholm is just enough of a bonehead to think it's a good idea to express this conceit in all its glory on national television. The Clintons prefer to send this message through back channels, lest everyone who needs to grasp it does, but the general public doesn't get it waved in their faces. But aren't people sort of getting it by now? Maybe it's just because they've been around for so long and they've always played this game, and after awhile even the thickest-headed people catch on. Or maybe it's because they're really not as clever as they think they are, and they send out lunkheads like Jennifer Granholm to speak for them. But do note if you somehow missed it before now: Hillary's path to the nomination is to threaten everyone else who might consider seeking it: Watch out. We're the Clintons. We have ways of making you pay. It's ours! I won't give Barack Obama credit for much of anything apart from this - because he doesn't deserve it - but the guy wasn't intimidated by the Clintons. As horrible as president as he has been and continues to be, I have to give him that and I would like to see far more worthy people follow his lead on that, and only on that. Because however impossible you may insist this is, I'm telling you now: Hillary would be an even worse president than Obama. Just take my word for it and don't try to find out. Oh, by the way, Granholm's history of making an impression on television goes back a ways. If I'm going to fill in for Rob, I need to do it right:

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Dan Calabrese——

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