
Calling the Man-made Global Warming crusade a hoax isn't fair to hoaxes.

Huge Hoax Holds Humanity Hostage

Wow! The Man-made Global Warming Hoax is a Hoax. Who saw this coming except anyone investing five minutes examining the scientific evidence from both sides? Or anyone remembering this is the same crowd of alarmists who warned of a new ice age in the 1970s.
Let's see, they wouldn't buy the Brooklyn Bridge but they're willing to mortgage the farm for the Golden Gate. Now people are beginning to say that the Global Warming Hoax is the biggest scientific scandal ever. When you challenge someone's religion be prepared for a spirited reaction. Those who realized Man-made Global Warming was a hoax have long recognized this is a faith-based movement. They also realized the agenda of the hipper-than-thou high priests of this movement has always been something other than a cool world. Science is advanced by hypothesis, experimentation, and analysis not by consensus. Consensus is a political term, a political concept and a clue that the Man-made Global Warming agenda is a political agenda. The only credible science these scam artists are using is Political Science. Al Gore, the world's self-proclaimed leading Man-made Global Warming expert and lobbyist and by sheer coincidence one of the world's largest Green Entrepreneurs has garnered a Nobel Peace Prize, an Oscar and millions of dollars by scaring the wits out of people who believe the cherry-picked data he and others present as evidence. As a college professor I would be shocked if any freshman submitted a paper with the flimsy sources of his transparently fictitious movie. The unattributed scenes from the Hollywood movie Day After Tomorrow presented as unattributed evidence would've earned him an "F" for plagiarism.

Calling the Man-made Global Warming crusade a hoax isn't fair to hoaxes

Calling the Man-made Global Warming crusade a hoax isn't fair to hoaxes. This is and always has been a scam perpetrated by the evil upon the naïve. It isn't about the environment it's about power. Have you ever noticed how the apostles of Man-made Global Warming use private jets and limos going to paved-over acres of paved-over rain-forest to hold self-promoting conferences? These are hypocrites masquerading as humanitarians holding humanity hostage with a huge hoax. Notwithstanding beheadings, burning people alive and conquering a large swath of the Mideast our President at a meeting with his Global Warming co-religionists boldly says that "There's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent and growing threat of a changing climate." Then he doubled down in his State of the Union talking points, "That's why, over the past six years, we've done more than ever before to combat climate change, from the way we produce energy, to the way we use it. That's why we've set aside more public lands and waters than any administration in history. And that's why I will not let this Congress endanger the health of our children by turning back the clock on our efforts." The recent and on-going revelations of collusion, deception and fraud between government-funded scientists, research universities, bureaucrats, green corporations, the Media and the Man-made Global Warming Illuminati should open the eyes of even the willfully blind. Remember, when you challenge someone's religion you should expect a spirited reaction. There's no disappointment in that regard. Now that the curtain has been pulled away and everyone can see grifters are manipulating levers behind the great and munificent High Priest Gore all the stops have been pulled out.

The Man-made Global Warming Lobby presses day and night to ensnare the United States in an international treaty

The Man-made Global Warming Lobby presses day and night to ensnare the United States in an international treaty in which the West confesses guilt for causing Man-made Global Warming as unrealistically as the Treaty of Versailles forced the Germans to accept 100% of the blame for World War I. The Copenhagen monstrosity also imposes wealth-transfer payments upon the U. S. potentially as destructive as the reparations demanded of a defeated Germany by the victorious Allies. After the fall of Communism in America vast numbers of uninformed voters, the easily frightened and the purely partisan proved sufficient to rescue radical Liberalism from its well-deserved place in the dustbin of history. Using the cover of an unpopular war and the ineptness of co-opted politicians pretending to be conservatives the radical liberals won anunstoppable majority in Congress and the White House. Now they're advancing a legislative agenda aimed at central-planning while preparing to surrender our sovereignty through international treaties. The fact that Man-made Global Warming has been exposed as the greatest swindle ever attempted will not phase the ideologues and statists who've gained a stranglehold on power in America. They're going to force an economy killing Cap-N-Trade boondoggle and the Copenhagen Capitulation down our throats before the voters get a chance to speak as loudly as theTea Party Patriots and the honest scientists have spoken already. Before We the People get an opportunity in 2010 to right the ship of state this collection of demagogues are attempting to seal our fate. Hordes of voters awaken from a media-induced trance and realize the change they can believe in was really bait-and-switch. In the hearts of many buyer's remorse replaces the mesmerizing effects of a manufactured messiah than rising up in their righteous indignation they elect him again. The euphoria of "GM is alive and Osama Bin Laden is dead" wore off quickly and by 2014 the GOP rolled up the biggest majorities they've had since the 1940s. Knowing they have all the power needed to accomplish their goal of downsizing America and seeing a voter's revolt on the horizon the statists push forward the hoax of Man-made Global Warming. They have several generations of Americans brainwashed into believing the sky is falling. Talk to anyone under 25 and tell me you don't feel like Chicken Little is in the room. It's all they've ever heard even if there hasn't been any global warming since before they started school. Tell them anything different and you will be accused of be a Climate Denier which is now as bad a s wearing a hood and burning a cross. If the government Global warming pied pipers have their way they may yet turn this science fiction into the reality of a Man-caused Disaster. I'm not saying the climate doesn't change. After two days of raking leaves I can truthfully testify that it does about every three months. The planet tilts, wobbles and moves in its orbit and there's a thermonuclear ball of heat and light out there called the Sun which I believe has more to do with global warming and cooling than anything man has ever or will ever do. Once the hokum is out of the hoax if the shamans of the First Church of Man-Made Global Warming can change the climate I'll take 72-76º, rain at night and sunny all day.

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Dr. Robert R. Owens——

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @
Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens
