
Don't be fooled.

More free stuff means less freedom

We have said it before but it is worth saying again, because some people didn't get the memo. When people running for office promise more free stuff it means less freedom. It's called socialism.

As Hillary Clinton continues to fall in the polls amongst Democrat voters, and Bernie Sanders continues to rise in the Democrat polling, Democrats are choosing between candidates who are trying to "out free stuff" each other. Democrats are choosing one version of less liberty over another version of less liberty. For example, they both are talking about making college more affordable with more of it being paid by big government. Who's going to pay for it? Your unborn children and grandchildren. They want you to believe they are going to tax the rich more, which has never worked to fund their lies of free stuff. Just look at our current $18 trillion-plus national debt. Or consider the nearly $20 trillion we have spent on the war on poverty over the last 50 years, while poverty in America has gotten worse and more people are now addicted to limited free stuff from the government. Many of them have surrendered their freedom to succeed beyond poverty, because they do not want to lose their free stuff. Remember how health care was supposed to be better and health insurance less expensive with the Unaffordable Care Act? As as a result of its passage, the quality of people's health care is worse because they do not have the choices they had when the government didn't have its big grubby hands in it, and people no longer have the liberty to choose what they want their insurance policies to cover. The government now mandates that they buy coverage for all kinds of things they may not want covered, resulting in premiums they can't afford without a government subsidy. As your free stuff arrives, your freedom departs. Democrats have consistently opposed restructuring Social Security through the establishment of personal retirement accounts, because they don't want people to be free to control their hard-earned retirement dollars and have a comfortable nest egg when they retire. They want people to have just enough to get by, which people cannot do today because the benefits are not growing as fast as the cost of living. As a result, many people who can afford to are establishing supplemental retirement plans, because of the negative return on their mandatory contributions to the Social Security system. Countries like Canada and Chile have changed their systems with great success, but the socialists in this country don't want people to have such liberties. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or any of the other Democrat presidential candidates, declared or undeclared, want to take more of our liberties by offering more free stuff with more government control. It's called socialism, but they still want to call themselves Democrats. Don't be fooled.

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