
What's $4 trillion among friends?

Mr. Obama, we don't have the money

President Obama put forth his eighth budget this week, and he wants to spend $4.1 trillion in FY 2017. That happens to be $800 billion more than the anticipated receipts or taxes for the fiscal year 2016. Many of the Republicans in the House of Representatives have already said that that budget is dead on arrival because President Obama has a lot of climate change spending in there – green energy spending in there. They're going to cut it out and that one isn't going to go in aware. But President Obama will hold it up and say, this is what I tried to get and those evil Republicans wouldn’t let me spend... over spend, for the year - $800 billion. No! You’ve got to stop overspending! Because that's one of our problems right now. Annnnd, that message of, we’ve got to stop the runaway spending, is resonating with a lot of people. Why is it resonating with a lot of people? Because they know that they can't run their finances like that. They can't run their finances like that.

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