
Ugly news for the President and his party...

New WaPo/ABC News poll: Majority thinks Obama is failing at just about everything

Here we go. As we get closer to November, we're going to see more and more polling and - at least so far - most of it is looking pretty ugly for Democrats. Today's numbers come to us from a new Washington Post / ABCNews poll. For the most part, it's chock full of bad news for the Dems.

However, the GOP shouldn't be in celebratory mode just yet. First up, we have the President's terrible approval ratings. As you can see, the numbers are dismal. Whether you're talking about the economy, foreign policy, immigration, or ObamaCare implementation, he's deeply underwater. At best, he's at a 9 point disadvantage in these numbers. Most of them show the President with a double-digit disapproval margin. That may have something to do with his leadership abilities ...or lack thereof. So President Obama's numbers are in the dumper. The big question is "what will that mean for November?" Historically, the results of 6th year midterms tie pretty tightly to the public's opinion of the president in power. But let’s take a look at the Congressional numbers because they're interesting. While no one is particularly satisfied with the job Congress is doing, Democrats are faring better than the GOP. My take on this? While it's not good news for Republicans, I suspect the GOP number skews lower because members of their own party are angry at the job they've been doing. If you write about politics for a living, you meet a lot of people - from every corner of the political spectrum - and the one constant is that the GOP rank-and-file blames its own officials for the party's failings. I honestly can't remember the last time I met a Republican who would even try to make the argument that congressional Republicans were doing a decent job. The reason, of course, has been that the GOP base is fed up with the party's refusal and failure to fight for its own ideology. It's very different on the Democrat side. From them, I hear a constant chorus of "The Democrats would be doing alright if they weren't obstructed by those evil Republicans." For the left, blame lies not with their own party, but with their opposition. So, whenever I see these by-party congressional approval numbers, I'm always forced to take into account the GOP membership's willingness to express their dissatisfaction with their own team. The WaPo/ABC News poll bears that out. Democrats think congressional Democrats are doing just fine: New WaPo/ABC News poll: Majority thinks Obama is failing at just about everything While Republicans are sick and tired of their feckless congressmen: New WaPo/ABC News poll: Majority thinks Obama is failing at just about everything In other words, Republicans aren't getting the polling bump from their own membership that Democrats are getting from theirs. So Democrats can tell you how unpopular congressional Republicans are and, to an extent, they're right. However, they're only telling half the story. Just because Republicans aren't happy with their own party doesn't mean they won't vote for the GOP in the Midterms - particularly if the party is offering them a new candidate that they're ready to support. Democrats are now faced with an ugly midterm electoral map, a deeply unpopular millstone President, polling which shows them trailing in eight Dem-held Senate races, and the following expectation:

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Robert Laurie——

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