
Nothing happens in a vacuum

North Korean Situation History and Proposed Solution

By Dr. Robert R. Owens ——--August 18, 2017

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Of course the current North Korean brouhaha is all Trump's fault at least according to the propaganda megaphone and prime time indoctrination machine that is the ABCCBSNBCPBSCNNMSNBCNPR Cartel. But then again according to these Alt-Left AntiFa stenographers what isn't? To be effective all current events must happen in a vacuum. That way the spinmeisters can work their editorial magic and make everything fit their narrative.
Therefore in their delegitimizing playbook aimed at the eventual impeachment of President Trump the North Korean nuclear showdown is all because of Trump's bellicose rhetoric. However current events are the History of the Future and they need to be seen in context to be understood. Way back in the mists of recorded time, on October 18, 1994 President Bill Clinton facing the reality of North Korea saying it was going to build nuclear weapons acted out the usual Democrat imitation of Nevil Chamberlain. In other words Mr. Clinton gave the tin-pot dictator de jure whatever was desired as long as he could wave a little piece of paper and declare it signified "Peace in our time" just before an election. He briefly described the "Deal" this way, "This agreement [$4 billion in U.S. energy aid] will help achieve a longstanding and vital American objective--an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula." Looking for a talking point to help the Democrat machine maintain its traditional hold on Congress, Mr. Clinton set the North Koreans on the road to a nuclear bomb. Taking no thought for the eventual repercussions and looking only to immediate political advantage, he threw America under the bus. Even that flagship of the left the New York Times saw this for what it was, political maneuvering, not diplomacy. Here's how they described it at the time, "The accord struck in Geneva gave the President a chance to proclaim a major foreign policy success just weeks before the midterm election. But Asian diplomats pointed out today that it also placed the United States in the odd position of bolstering the political capital of a man it has regularly denounced as a terrorist, a supplier of missile technology to Iran and a dictator: Kim Jong Il."

Clinton: "North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program."

Clinton said, "North Korea will freeze and then dismantle its nuclear program." Here's what the Times had to say, "What bothers some nuclear experts, from the Pentagon to the International Atomic Energy Agency, is that the North will continue to possess nuclear spent fuel for years, surrendering it only when the new reactors are nearing completion. That leaves open the possibility that if it ever renounced this week's agreement it could eject all international inspectors and resume the bomb project." According to President Clinton, "The United States and international inspectors will carefully monitor North Korea to make sure it keeps its commitments. Only as it does so will North Korea fully join the community of nations." As reported by the New York Times,
"'This means that we are living with a country that flouted the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and will remain in noncompliance for years,' an atomic energy agency official said today. 'We wanted to get that fuel out of the country, and out of the country fast.'''

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"'Similarly, some of the agency's officials are concerned that the so-called special inspection of a suspected nuclear site that they demanded two years ago -- a demand that prompted the North to announce it would pull out of the Nonproliferation Treaty -- will be delayed for five years or more. "It is not a good precedent to set,' the official said, 'if we have to demand a special inspection in Iran or Iraq or someplace else in the world."'
The Times had a bit more to say about this American Munich, "President Clinton approved a plan today to arrange more than $4 billion in energy aid to North Korea during the next decade in return for a commitment from the country's hard-line Communist leadership to freeze and gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program."
"American and North Korean officials plan to sign the broad accord on Friday, and almost immediately the United States will begin a remarkable new foreign aid program: it will provide for the North, with which it has never signed a peace treaty ending the Korean War, supplies of heavy oil to keep factories running and homes heated."
And not only did the United States agree to provide oil Bill Clinton arranged for something else,
"The accord calls for a consortium of nations, led by South Korea and Japan, to provide the North with two light-water nuclear reactors, designed in a manner that makes it far more difficult for the North to convert nuclear waste into atomic weapons."

Latest model of a crazy Kim struts around like a bantam rooster

I wonder what the Kim dynasty has done with those reactors? Along come George II and what does he do? He inaugurates the Six Party Talks between the United States, South and North Korea, China, Russia, and Japan. These talks went on and off for years eventually producing nothing but more time for North Korea to improve upon their first nuclear test which happened on the second Bush watch. The Obama Administration courageously followed a policy of strategic patience, essentially a commitment to denuclearization as a precondition for talks, conducted in close alliance with Seoul and the other members of the Six-Party Talks. The talks continued to drag on as Mr. Obama kicked the can down the road. Now the latest model of a crazy Kim struts around like a bantam rooster with a bad haircut on the world stage. He overtly threatens us with nuclear war and President Trump stands up to him.


We'll help South Korea, Japan, Taiwan build their own nuclear weapons. Then we step aside and let the Asian Tigers figure out how to bell the cat in Pyongyang

To the corporations once known as the mainstream media this is provocative. Standing up for yourself is not the progressive way. We are supposed to cower in the corner and apologize for being who we are. That is not the American way. At least it wasn't before the Clinton --Bush--Obama era. As stated earlier: To be effective all current events must happen in a vacuum. That way the spinmeisters can work their editorial magic and make everything fit their narrative. However, nothing happens in a vacuum. We must consider the context for a text without a context is a pretext. So how are we supposed to deal with North Korea short of turning them into a sea of glass? I propose that we pull our troops out of South Korea. With a population twice as large and an economy almost four times the size of the stunted North the South should be able to fend for itself after 67 years of American protection. Then we tell China that unless they reign in their protégé we'll help South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan to build their own nuclear weapons. Then we step aside and let the Asian Tigers figure out how to bell the cat in Pyongyang.

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Dr. Robert R. Owens——

Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion.  He is the Historian of the Future @
Follow Dr. Robert Owens on Facebook or Twitter @ Drrobertowens / Edited by Dr. Rosalie Owens
