
Put a cork in global warming hot air (and flatulence)

Play Methane Madness on Gore’s Climate Propaganda day, September 14

By Guest Column Bill Gilles——--September 14, 2011

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“Put a cork in it, Al!” That’s the message students are sending Al Gore, radical climate campaigners and assorted other bohemians, grant-seekers and profiteers seeking to cash in on the manmade global warming disaster craze.
Al Gore is calling on folks to make September 14 a day of climate action, through a series of propaganda videos that he will be broadcasting worldwide. The Collegians For A Constructive Tomorrow call for a day of genuine “climate realism,” instead. CFACT Collegians are responding with a bit of online levity. CFACT’s Methane Madness game trains online players to help “Pal Gore” control the climate by corking cows and watching them float away. Methane is more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas but less than 1% of atmospheric greenhouse gases come from cattle. Even so, radical climate campaigners call for shutting down our cattle and dairy industries, along with much of the rest our economy. They’d even like us to go vegan.

However, climate science IS NOT SETTLED; computer models are biased, and observations don’t reflect the models; man’s impact on climate and atmosphere is dwarfed by nature’s; Climategate is just the tip of the corrupt science iceberg; more scientists find the courage to match their analysis every day and declare against the scare; offsets are a scam; citizens can now spot warming propaganda; alternative energy is inefficient; carbon profiteers rake in tax dollars but don’t affect the climate; economies in crisis can't afford the waste; consensus is not science; there has never been a consensus; freedom and prosperity are the proven path to cleaner environments; our meat and dairy industries are home-based, thriving industries that feed multitudes and employ the nicest people you’ll ever meet; developed nations have enough to eat for the first time in history; et cetera, et cetera. WHOA! All those dreary, inconvenient facts! Gore won’t enjoy those. As Scarlett O’Hara said, “I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.” For Al, tomorrow never comes. If players succeed in corking all the cows, Methane Madness they can move on to further levels and put a cork in Gore & Company’s hot air. Don't worry. CFACT's always been about free speech. Corks come out. Gore and his celebrity buddies can go right back to spewing their hot air. It will take cold facts for realism to triumph over alarmism on climate. CFACT wouldn't have it any other way. “Jobs just aren’t waiting for us when we graduate, the way they used to be,” said Methane Madness player Josh Smith, a student at University of Wisconsin. “Al Gore preaches we should live with less – while he flies from mansion to mansion. I don’t even know how I’m going to pay my student loans. Put a cork in it, Al!” Methane Madness is available to play online (9-14) at www.MethaneMadness.com. If levity’s not your bag, you can always find plenty of solid global warming facts and analyses debunking the scare at www.CFACT.org and www.ClimateDepot.com. You’ll find them fascinating and entertaining.

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