
Meet Colleen Bell: Unqualified in every way, but appointed nonetheless.

Raise half a million in campaign cash, become ambassador to Hungary

You’ll be glad to know that America’s relationship with Hungary is in good hands – well, hands anyway – as soap opera producer Colleen Bell has now been confirmed by the lame duck Democrat Senate to serve as U.S. ambassador to that country.
Now, I’m sure you’re wondering: Other than serving as producer of The Bold and the Beautiful, what exactly is it that qualifies Colleen Bell for this position? Does she have diplomatic experience? Does she have particular expertise on former communist bloc nations in Eastern Europe? A few senators were wondering the same thing during her confirmation hearing, so they asked her if she wouldn’t mind discussing America’s strategic interests in Hungary. Here’s what she said: “We have a strategic interest in terms of what are our key priorities.” Translation: I’m a soap opera producer. I have no idea. That prompted ABC’s Jonathan Karl – that rare MSM reporter who actually tries to do his job on occasion – to ask White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest to explain the nomination of a woman who couldn’t name a single strategic interest the U.S. has in Hungary. Earnest explained that she was chosen because President Obama has complete confidence in her. Oh? Why?

Earnest then threw his boss under the bus by explaining that he wasn’t part of the decision-making process. Know what? I know the reason! So does Josh Earnest. So does pretty much everyone who’s looked into this even a tiny bit. During Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, Ms. Bell proved to be quite a capable fundraiser for him, coming up with a cool $500,000 in Obama campaign cash. That’s the sort of thing that earns you the president’s confidence, all right! According to the New York Times, Bell has been one of Obama’s top bundlers. She even hosted a fundraiser at her home featuring the band the Foo Fighters. Pretty impressive. I’m not sure that’s going to be very helpful if a serious international situation develops involving Hungary. Then again, what could happen? The Soviet Union is gone and it’s not as if the Russians are messing with nations in Eastern Europe. All she has to do is assure the Hungarians that they have Obama’s full support and that he loves their goulash, and I’m sure everything will be fine. Now look, I realize it’s not a new thing for presidents to reward major fundraisers with ambassadorships. And yes, Republican presidents have done it too. But usually the ambassador has to have some sort of qualification or knowledge of the situation. Or, at the very least, you’d think she’d brush up before a Senate confirmation hearing – unless she’d been told not to sweat it because the Democrats would confirm her no matter what. Actually they didn’t confirm her by much. The vote was only 52-42, as more than a few Republicans pointed out that she is completely unqualified for the job. Oh well. Obama was completely unqualified when he got his current job too. Maybe he figures he shouldn’t hold other people to a higher standard than he acts the nation to hold him to.

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