
Reproductive rights

Take a Cold Shower and Save a Life.

By Guest Column Michael Vallins——--July 2, 2010

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The following in italics is from Yahoo News via The Canadian Press, an online news outlet.

OTTAWA - Women’s and reproductive-rights organizations have written a last-minute letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper urging him to include abortion funding in his G8 maternal- and child-health initiative. "No woman and no child should pay with their lives for the ideologically based decisions of one man named Stephen Harper," said Katherine McDonald, executive director of Action Canada for Population and Development.
Just what is a Woman’s Reproductive Right? What does Reproductive Right actually mean? Well, let’s disseminate the term and see if we can bring some light here. Well, reproduction in the biological sense of the word as applied to women requires sexual activity for reproduction to happen (we won’t include methods of having a baby such as in vitro fertilization and surrogate mothers). It is unarguable that a woman can reproduce and that she indeed has a right to do so. In fact, women have never been barred from reproduction. They have full access to reproduction whenever and wherever they desire. So what is the problem? Well, do reproductive rights include birth control in the form of condoms and pills? Of course – it’s already included in Harper’s G8 Maternal and Child-Health Initiative; well, do reproductive rights include access to healthcare for women and children? Of course – it’s already in Harper’s G8 Maternal and Child-Health Initiative. So what is the problem? Well, ahem, the nitty-gritty is (nudge, nudge) that they are not the Rights that the above pro-abortion groups are clamouring for. The Right they are frothing at the mouth for is the Right to terminate the life growing inside them, to stop it, to end it, to kill it – if you want a life to cease you have to kill the life otherwise it keeps on living, there is no other way – that is the Right they are beating their breasts about and want Harper to include – which he hasn’t. An ancient piece of advice -- if you beat your head against the wall and it hurts and you don’t want it to hurt, what is the solution? Stop beating your head against the wall? Agree? If you don’t want to give birth to a baby then don’t have intercourse. It is then impossible for reproduction to take place. Basic 101 biology. “Yes,” the pro-aborts say, “but we want to have intercourse. It’s our reproductive right.” O.K. then use birth control. “But sometimes we haven’t got a condom or a pill and we get carried away in the heat of the moment and we still want the pleasure -- we can’t help ourselves, we have no self-control, that is why, we just cannot exercise self-control.” So your birth control becomes abortion? . . . It would serve the human race if the maternal health initiative – especially in the poor countries – taught self-control and the advantages it brings. There were 42 million abortions world-wide last year. That is tragic. One is tragic. Abortion is not a reproductive right. The two have nothing to do with each other. By the way Katherine McDonald, the majority of intelligent Canadians have the same ideologically-based mind-set as Harper on this. Good on Harper for leading the way. Take a cold shower, Katherine, and save a life. Michael is a freelance writer in Toronto.

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