
God bless this Patriotic American

Thank You PFC Brown For Risking Everything In The Fight Aginst Jihad

- Mountain Top Patriot It is always such a great thing to be inspired. It is uplifting, it sets one free, it is inspiring to be inspired, it is what becomes of you when you see a fellow Americans faith and belief in something larger than themselves.

A young man PFC. Brown, wrote to Barrack Hussein Obama, in a letter posted on May 10, 2010 to Mr. Obama regarding his, Mr. Obama’s, legitimacy as POTUS and Commander in Chief. Private First Class Brown has inspired me by his words. God bless this Patriotic American, this soul who has such belief in America, that he has placed his life and limb in harms way, not willingly because he is ready to die for his beliefs, to die for his country, but make the other guy die for his. That is Honor my friends, that is Patriotism my fellow Americans, listen to this man, this protector of what matters most, This young man, who has true fealty and oath to his country and his fellow Americans speaks with authority and sovereign power; he speaks with the Sovereignty of We The People. This young man is a Solder of the United States of America, of all peoples in America, it is to these young men and woman who protect the rest of America, it is they deserve all and any consideration. All powers are vested in the people, and those allowed are at the behest and guest of We The People. This young man asks for what is his right; he has earned this in manner that is without question or doubt. In every sense this young man has earned, and protected the right to question the legitimacy, voracity and power of a man who is feckless, who has not fulfilled the requirements of a position that is based entirely upon trust, entrusted to represent everything this young man, up to and including his very life, has every right and reason to expect, and who is entitled to by the rule of law, answer to his questions. For you see, this man whom is being asked for his legitimacy and legal bonifieds, this man can send to send this young man, Private First Class Brown, can be sent in harms way by the word of an impostor, where he could be maimed for life, or even loose his life in the service of a usurper and impostor. This young man deserves to know, if he is to die, if he is to kill other humans, whether or not the orders come from the legal rule of law, or from the illegal orders of a ruler of men. This young man’s duty starts at protecting the rule of law of The US Constitution and His Country, and it ends at the behest of treason from a man who has violated the Rule of Law of our land. How can this young man not break his oath of duty, and hence break the Rule of Law if he follows the illegal orders of an illegal Commander in Chief. How can this young man be expected to follow orders which violate his honor and sworn duty as a Solder of The United States? PFC Brown is inspirational, he gives me food for thought. His words carry more weight than a thousand presidents. What PFC Brown believes in, what his words portend and imply has caused me to these words below. Where PFC Brown leaves off as an American Solder, I take up as an American Citizen. In tribute to the courage and patriotism of PFC Brown. Of traitors, smoke and mirrors, friends, Patriots and fellow Americans. While we in America who slow burn about a clearly ineligible impostor who has committed the most heinous forms of treason’s, whilst illegally occupying the White House, whilst an in the pocket press and justice system makes feinting assaults on our Constitutional flanks, our eyes are diverted from devious and sinister internal assaults on the bedrock of Our Republic. The treasonous one, Barrack Hussein Obama, and his cabal have gained a beach head in their war of attrition against our mighty Republic. This war has entered the planned second phase of usurpation, an over throw from within our sovereign borders, from within sanctums of secrecy and conspiracy, where men and woman contrive with ulterior motive to transform our Republic. With the strategic emplacement of select individuals throughout regulatory bureaucracy’s and justice departments that could only be facilitated by an upper echelon bent on changing the very fabric of Constitutional Law. Rule of Law is glue that binds and secures our Liberty and Self Determinations. Subverting the nature and intent of Rule of Law undermines our cherished principles and values. The intent is to overwhelm this foundation of Liberty by evil tactics so as to transform rule of law into rule by men. It has become imperative that you and I, we as fellow Americans, as a people, not only do not loose sight and heart of our principles and values, allow not the false profits of ever encroaching assumed power of these treasonous ones, fool and deceive us into believing we, you, are wrong. For believe what is in your heart my fellow travelers, of that shining city on the hill. Only you know what is right and what is wrong for you, no one, no government can supersede this Liberty, that is your Freedom, it is Your god given right to Self Determination. Nothing can take this from you, it only can be given away. This is yours, it belongs to you, only you can give it away. It is an amazing thing Our Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, these things are not only documents that define and guide what we are as a people, these pieces of parchment are us. No matter the infringements upon the tenets of and intents of those written words, they most certainly remain intact. Nothing in those documents has been changed, the only change is the attempted illusion that they no longer matter. This is what the smoke and mirrors are about, because if you do not believe the illusion, than it is just that, you see the truth that it is lies and distractions, camouflage to obscure evil doings. Even if those founding documents of self governance and determination where to burn to ash, what is contained within would remain, because what is contained within exist within us as a people, it is not ink but our principles our values what we believe. This is the power contained within those documents, those things and us are inextricably intertwined. For we as people are the true power, we the people are the sovereign, we hold the only key to Our Republic. As bleak and fearful as the future may appear, there exists a core of America who believe, who will never relinquish this key, and key it is to everything. For Obama understands this, he knows only like a Tyrant and dictator knows, for this is the obstacle to his power. He can fiddle and scheme, he can conspire and treaty with enemy’s of America, he can pontificate and obfuscate, he can instigate turmoil, he can divide the weak and hateful, he can demean and belittle, but he can not change one word in those governing documents, and he can not get his soiled hands on that key, because he is not, and he does not understand what it is to be an American. That key is his demise, he can not attain it ever, but he is consumed by obtaining it, and funny as it sounds it is his blind side. He understands that to rule is to create turmoil, that to gain power he must cause those he considers below his lofty goals to rip each others throats out. He understands that he wins if this can be made to happen, it is the age old tyrants tactic of divide and conquer. But this is his true weakness, he can not understand the true nature of being an American. He disdains Americans as lazy and slothful, he has mistaken tolerance for cowardliness, he has mistaken preoccupation with daily life as gullibility, he has used greed of a minority as a tool for gerrymander. He is blinded by his arrogance and bigotry, he lacks to his certain peril and demise the one thing he has not, Faith. He does not believe in something larger than himself, he only believes in ideals and doctrine that carry no weight in the heart. His spirit is empty of the fruit of self determination that grows from the tree of Liberty. We, as Americans, as family and friends, as neighbors and strangers, we plant the seeds of that fruit, we water the sprouts of that tree with our beliefs passed down through generations, We do this, time and time again through the years and centuries, not a government, not a leader, not a bureaucrat or regulator or a politician or a judge or a newsman. It is us, it is we, it is Americans from every walk of life who do this thing. You see, Obama, is both at the same time his own worst enemy, and the best thing to happen to America, for he has instigated a paradox of his own making, that since the founding of our republic of and for men, ratified through the vehicle of our governing documents created from God and men for men, he has awakened and enlightened people across this Great Land the likes of which not seen since our beginning. He has awakened something that matters most, something greater than ourselves. Posted on Dancing Czars

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