
Nationalized healthcare

The Jig is up!

- Netty Wibaum This article confirms that our country and its citizens deserve more than the blatant lies and blitzkrieg tactics of this fascist administration and its congressional enablers!


1-LEGISLATIVE-ALL 535 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, STAFFS, ETC. 2-EXECUTIVE-THE OBAMAS, THEIR STAFFS, CABINETS, CZARS, ALL APPOINTEES, ETC. 3- JUDICIAL FROM THE LOWEST LEVEL TO THE SUPREME COURT, STAFFS, ETC. ARE MANDATED TO THE SAME NATIONALIZED HEALTHCARE THAT THEY ARE SO DETERMINED TO CRAM DOWN THE THROATS OF AMERICANS, WILL IT BE CONSIDERED WORTHY ENOUGH FOR USE BY THOSE PICKING UP THE TAB FOR ITS USE! Tune in to the next weekly forum on Saturday 7-18-09 at 6:00 PM EST with instructions provided at [url=http://www.tyranttamer.com/teleconference.php]http://www.tyranttamer.com/teleconference.php[/url]. Make history with us by signing on at [url=http://www.tyranttamer.com/signup.php]http://www.tyranttamer.com/signup.php[/url]. IBD Exclusive Series: Government-Run Healthcare: A Prescription For Failure

Reformers' Claims Just Don't Add Up

Health Reform: Many extravagant claims have been made on behalf of the various health care "reforms" now emerging from Congress and the White House. But on closer inspection, virtually all prove to be false. Yet even as many Americans start to have second thoughts about our government's possible takeover of the health care system, Congress is rushing to make it happen. On Friday, the House Ways and Means Committee approved a bill that would radically change our current system and expand coverage for the uninsured. The action came a day after the head of the Congressional Budget Office said none of the plans under review would slow health care spending. None of them. Still, lawmakers and the White House press on, relying on GOP weakness in the House and a new veto-proof majority in the Senate. They're also relying on a lack of awareness that claims made on behalf of national health care may be mostly false. Among them: More...

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