
Their future national character and very existence may well depend upon their self-determination

To keep cultural identities, EU nations must stop flow of Islamic terrorists

By Guest Column --Pete Hoekstra——--August 5, 2016

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WASHINGTON, D.C — A rejected Syrian asylum seeker detonated a nail-filled suicide bomb outside of an outdoor concert in southern Germany on July 24th German Chancellor Angela Merkel admitted that ISIS infiltrated the more than one million migrants whom she invited into her country from destabilized areas of the Middle East and Africa.
In the days prior to the jihadist massacre in Nice on Bastille Day, France’s intelligence chief warned that another attack on its soil or a mass sexual assault by migrants—similar to that which occurred in Germany on New Year’s Eve— could result in a “civil war.” The Dutch are investigating a possible jihadist cell in a refugee center in the Netherlands, and Norwegian police arrested a former Syrian al-Qaida fighter attempting to seek asylum in Europe. The perils to European citizens posed by “refugees” from failed states are no longer theoretical! With ISIS recruits and agents exploiting the crisis, enemies are literally massing at the gates of Europe. The rapid proliferation of ISIS, the resurgence of al-Qaida and the increasing strength and reach of the Taliban poses a unique problem for the West as the groups all vie for impact and attention.

Unrealistic globalist policies decreed by European Union (EU) rulers in Brussels are inflaming the threat. The Investigative Project on Terrorism warned in a recent study on the rise of global Islamic terror that Europe’s security systems would become severely stressed in 2016. It foresaw that they would become unable to respond to the challenges associated with mass migration. The crisis is straining the ties that bind Europe by draining the unique national identities among its disparate populations. The Schengen Agreement — passed in 1985 and in effect since 1995 — largely erased borders in in the EU and created conditions for jihadists to travel freely among member states once they gain a foothold on the continent. The EU failed to uniformly strengthen borders with the greater region when it created the idealistic passport-free bloc. It led to weak entry points in countries such as Italy and Greece that immigrants have exploited.

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They don’t have much to fear once they arrive. A French journalist working undercover met with an extremist who bragged about his five-month jail term for terrorism and “how easy it is to bypass authorities.” Crucial intelligence gaps continue to derail security efforts. Additionally, countries with smaller populations feel as though larger republics such as Germany and France dictate much of the policy emanating from Brussels. It is one matter for Germany to accept more than 1 million refugees, but it becomes an entirely new issue when EU bureaucrats propose to relocate them among countries that cannot accommodate them. The situation could become more dire should the EU admit Turkey, which is an avid prospect. President Recep Erdogan announced — following an attack by Islamists that killed 42 people at Istanbul’s airport — that the country would grant citizenship to millions of displaced Syrians within its borders. Refugees are already squeezing the budgets of generous European welfare programs and causing civilian unrest within a public that feels threatened by their hostility. Starting with Britain’s vote to exit the EU, voters among member countries are considering a number of proposals that will restore law and order to the immigration process and protect their sovereignty. Fences and more stringent controls along migrant smuggling routes have materialized in EU nations such as Switzerland, Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia and Austria. The desire for sovereignty is not some nebulous proposition. Americans fought a bloody war to achieve independence from Europe. Similarly, the French prefer to stay French, the Germans intend to stay German, the Dutch Dutch and the Norwegians Norwegian. Countries in Europe can no longer sacrifice their demographics to an irrational multiculturalist ideology dictated by unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. Their future national character and very existence may well depend upon their self-determination. Pete Hoekstra is the Shillman Senior Fellow at the Investigative Project on Terrorism and the former Chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. Readers may write him at IPT, 5505 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015


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