
Dog shampoo too

White House tours off, but robot squirrels live on

If you visit Washington, you might want to go on a White House tour. But you’ll be out of luck, at least for the moment, as the Obama Administration has cancelled White House tours and – you guessed it – blamed the sequester!

Wow! So those horrible budget cuts really make it impossible to let the people tour the people’s house? Nonsense! The tour cancellations are saving a mere $18,000 a week. In Friday’s Wall Street Journal, columnist Kim Strassel offers a whole host of spending gambits the White House hasn’t touched – such as $141,000 to fund a Chinese study on swine manure, or $325,000 to build a robot squirrel, or $500,000 a support specialty shampoo products for cats and dogs! Why is it that we can’t have White House tours but Obama will still spend on this nonsense? Because the sequester cuts have nothing to do with what’s necessary or what’s important. Obama is choosing cuts that are designed to upset people, and give him an opening to score political points against Republicans – which is really rich because the design of the sequester came from the White House! This tour fiasco is the best indication yet that Obama has no intention of governing seriously. Remember when he was first running for president and he said he was going to go through the budget line by line looking for examples of waste, and get rid of them? Ha! Still waiting for that one, champ! That’s what a good president would do, but all this president does is play games. So relax, Americans. You can’t tour the White House, but you can get special shampoo for your pets, and maybe you can even use that shampoo on a robot squirrel. This White House really knows how to prioritize.

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